Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1611: Big fat sheep is coming

Chapter 1611 Big Fat Sheep is coming

Who wants to fall into such a situation, who is willing to wait for news, who is not allowed to fight for his own brother, but he is subject to people, not so powerful, unlike Jack, he can go and go, what he wants to do, can doing what.

Shan Ning found out that he was jealous of Jack.

He is doing what he wants, and Jack can not look back on Mu Yuanyi, but he can only watch it.

This is not what he said is willing, but it is something he can't change, which makes him feel very tricky.

new York.

In the MISS building, the night court contacted the news of the two undercover agents. The triangle was positioned and finally positioned to the location of the storm mercenaries, and satellite tracking along the way.

"Two less, you have to take a look." A technician cut a picture and did not move like a wind. "There is still a team behind, not nearly two kilometers away, and they are ten kilometers away. A few kilometers is not the only way, they are not slow, obviously not the same road, but tracking."

The night court walked forward and frowned slightly. "Who?"

"The lion mercenary."

"Notify Major Anderson, I have a way."

When Jack received the news of the night, the helicopter had stopped in the town, and the storm mercenaries had walked for less than an hour. He rented a car and quickly followed up. The helicopter did not remedy and could not go too far.

After changing the car, I also received a night.

"My technical team can provide you with information at any time. You have to be careful with Morgan. I have already positioned their general base. In the desert, there are three camps, more than one hundred people. You have to be mentally prepared. You have to go. Save the Mu Yuan, most of the time there is no return, I can only provide you with three teams, more than 20 people, the rest depends on your own way."

"Enough." Jack said faintly, more than 20 people, enough, "thank you."

It’s rare that he can say a thank you, and the night court is full of emotions. He is not thankful for Jack’s sentence. The scene is a bit confusing. It should be that he said thank you.

The night court didn't say anything. In the desert, after entering the night, Jack's car secretly followed the lion mercenary team, found an opportunity, gave up the vehicle, and slowly approached the lion mercenary team.

The lion mercenary team is not a lot of people, the job assignment is relatively clear, Jack let the night court rumored a message from a lion mercenary team, he disguised as a good-natured.

He is nearly ten centimeters taller than Shan Ning. It is hard to run Shan Ning. Fortunately, Shan Ning is also a special soldier. Although Jack is taller in shape, the difference is not so terrible, except that he can barely be similar.

The lion mercenary team, anyway, no one has any contact with Shan Ning, men are 10 cm higher, sometimes can use some skills to make up, slightly bent legs, standing not so straight and so on.

Jack looked at the face of Shan Ning in the mirror, gloomy face, wearing a beautiful face, covering his blue eyes, he hated this face, Mu Yuan has many friends, night tomb, Xie Jingzhen, Sunan City, he did not So annoying, only hate Shan Ning.

I always feel that Shan Ning is not a kind-hearted person. It always causes trouble, and my heart is far worse than people like Yu Ling. If I don’t look at his good for Mu Yuan, I can’t stand it anymore.

Today, I still have to face the face of Shan Ning.

Jack is repulsive and disgusted.


See you at eight in the evening! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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