Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1613: Wesley, I have no money.

Chapter 1613 Wesley, I have no money

The night court said, "Oh, I know, I will get the US dollar ready as soon as possible."


After hanging up the phone, Jack took a deep breath and thought of the way of the night court, the virus weapon, which is indeed more valuable than the US dollar, but also made them more excited. However, after the 9/11, how many terrorist attacks the country faced, anti-terrorism and painstakingly blocked the terrorists. Outside the country, he absolutely does not allow these dangerous goods to circulate through their own hands and go to their own land.

Easy to go, Xiaoyuan will have the same choice as him.

Because they are soldiers.

Jack called his younger brother Wesley. "Where are you?"

Wesley, "Busy."

"Do you look at the positioning on the phone, can you send five million cash to me in 2 hours?"

Wesley looked at the phone and replied briefly, "No."


"Brother, what do you have to do with so much money?"


Wesley, "There is not a base in NATO. It is easy to have five million."

"This is a private matter."

\'"Oh." Wesley said, "Then I hang up."

Jack leaned back slightly, twisting his eyebrows, feeling heavy, time passed, Mu Yuan would be far away from him, Jack hammered the steering wheel irritably, and the night court was calling his little vault in the middle of the night.

I couldn't sleep at the beginning of the night, I could hear the sound of the study room, touched the darkness to the study room, and heard the sound of the night court. She knew that the night court was busy, and she did not bother the night court, sitting on the sofa outside the study room. Waiting for the night court to finish.

The night court said, "You use your fastest speed to send the money to Major Anderson. It is necessary to race against time, and you can't delay for a minute or two."

"Two less, you can rest assured, I must send it."

There was a young face in the video, and the night court nodded. "Telephone contact."


The coffee in the evening was a side of the coffee. It was destined to fall asleep tonight. He had to wait for Jack’s news and to prevent any changes in the middle. He also stared at the Lion Mercenary Team and the Storm Mercenary Team.

The shadow of the Lion Mercenary team is on the phone, it seems to be a swearing, night court frowning, "Welling, eavesdropping on his phone and seeing who he is on the phone."


As a communication industry, MISS has its own black technology. It says that black can be black, but it is a fact. It has not yet developed into a recording function. When you hear the sound of a shadow, there is no content, and only a woman is faintly heard. The voice, clear and cold, said a word of worship.

"Check this number."

The person under the hand immediately went to check, but the MISS building in New York?

In the evening, the back of the ridge is numb, what?

He stood up and looked around, his neck was cold, and the group of technical soldiers were also shocked, MISS Building? What international jokes, technical soldiers hurriedly disrupted the code, once again to check, suspected to be an anti-tracking, everyone stunned, the night court squatting in the study room to see the technical department, they are afraid to breathe.

No one can understand what this is all about.

At the beginning of the night, I yawned, kneeling on the sofa, holding a little apple doll, and the innocent big eyes looked at the direction of the night court without a god. "Is it found?"

"I found it, two less, ten minutes ago, in the underground garage."

"Check the monitoring, search this underground parking lot, and pass the people in the building tonight. The people in the building will quickly pass it again. It is inconvenient for one person to let the second team handle this matter. You continue. Contact Major Jack."

(End of this chapter)

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