Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1620: Scorpion, don't move

Chapter 1620, scorpion, don't move

"Who dreams are not necessarily true." Lin Songye sneered, looking at the gun on his head, hit a finger, and several mercenaries at the door rushed in, the muzzle was black.

The atmosphere is tight and ready to go.

Jack took a step back, lest he should catch the fish.

The two sides soon started to fight. Jack whispered softly to the cooperating agent. He quickly got out of the car and ordered two guards with two shots. He wanted to get on the bus and rescued Mu Yuan, and found out. A terrible thing, Mu Yuan is all bombs, and it is a gravity bomb that cannot be removed at all.

"Mr. Anderson, Major Mu Yuan has a gravity bomb on his body and cannot be removed. The plan is forfeited."

He quickly left, Jack's back is cool, gravity bomb? This group of people thought that they had made such a big trap for Mu Yuan, no wonder that they were the two guards.

Jack said faintly, "Oh, I know."

The shadow and Lin Songye people fight in the narrow room, but they don’t know who is coming. "There are people who have been jailed."

The shadow doesn't care at all. Lin Songye can't care, his mission has not been completed yet. "Shen Ning, have you brought someone over?"

"I didn't." Shan Ning shook his head, a very scared look.

Lin Songye quickly took people down. One of them came over and pressed Shan Ning. The rest of the people and the shadows were squatting together. Mu Yuan was still in the car. Lin Songye lost one person.

"The man has escaped, it is a black man."

"There is no such thing."

"I didn't bring people, only I am alone. Domestic reinforcements are not allowed. You should know our system very well. You should also know our style of doing things, not my people."

Lin Songye knows their style, Mu Yuan was arrested, they may not be reinforcements, and Shan Ning has no way to mobilize overseas resources. He believes this, but he did not expect this kind of goodness to be Jack.

"It’s a shadow person." Jack said, "It must be that he wants to take the money and deliberately made the smoke bomb."

Lin Songye’s eyes were cold, and he didn’t really believe Jack. But at this moment, the people upstairs started to fight, and the gunshots continued. The cooperating agent deliberately hid a person in the dark and found the opportunity. The people who provoked the civil war, the shadows were really chaotic, and there were contradictions. They were still dead in front of them, and they immediately became chaotic.

"The trough!" Lin Songye cursed, "This **** shadow."

The people of the storm mercenaries and the lion mercenaries quickly fought, and Jack said, "Get the car ready."


When he didn't pay attention, Jack entered the car. Mu far was lying in a groggy way. He could see that there was something blurry. He could feel someone coming up, but he didn't know who it was. It was still a ghost.

"Xiaoyuan, Xiaoyuan..." Jack just made a sound, and remembered his and Mu Yuan's affairs. He switched the voice changer and used the voice of Shan Ning. "Small, don't sleep, don't move."

This gravity bomb is not easy to dismantle, just below Mu Yuan. If Mu Yuan left, it will inevitably explode. Jack learned to demolish the bomb. Fortunately, this gravity bomb is not a high-explosive bomb, and the impact is not so big. It may be I was afraid that Mu was far away and went with them, so I arranged a relatively minor bomb, but it was already very horrible.

"Shen Ning..." Mu Yuan seemed to recognize the person and was moved by the heart. "It's you... how silly you are, go quickly."

"Scorpion!" Jack squeezed a hand on his face. "Don't move!"


The girls, the national male god’s pre-sale came out, the cover is super cute.

(End of this chapter)

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