Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1622: Nothing is missing

Chapter 1622 is exhaustive

Jack took Mu away to the desert on the left. If you walked the road, Lin Songye must catch up soon.

The two cars distracted. This was originally a mountain bike. There was no problem in the desert. However, Jack did not count as a horrible one less than an hour after entering the desert. Sandstorm.

The sandstorm that fluttered in the sky came face to face. The retreat was chasing troops. In front of it was a sandstorm. I couldn’t see the direction. Jack rushed into the sandstorm without hesitation and rushed to the right.

There is a very bad place to meet the dust storm. The speed is slow and not very good. There is also a benefit. The other party can't see his direction. He can't see the direction in front.

This dust storm lasted nearly half an hour.

Lin Songye and others are mercenaries. They are not familiar with desert maps. They don’t dare to chase them. They are afraid that they cannot be traced. The desert in this area has no direction. It is not always possible to go in.

The night court also lost Jack's position.

Deep in the desert, there is no signal.

The night court said, "Let the surrounding agents release the aircraft, search their location throughout the desert, and send people to rescue."


Lin Songye suddenly kicked a mountain bike and lost Mu’s whereabouts. He was very reluctant. “Everyone is divided into several groups and they are looking for them in three directions. For more than half an hour, Mu Yuan Still a wound, they are not far away, find people not to act rashly, send a signal collection."


Lin Songye personally took people to the northeast, and the rest of the people dispersed to find people.

"Morgan, Mu Yuan was rescued, and people are in the desert." Lin Songye and Morgan reported that they did not dare to hide.

"Waste!" Morgan cursed. "I want you to **** a person. You can't escort. I tell you, I must let him live and send it to me."

"I know." Lin Songye also hated Xin Ning. The Chinese people were the most embarrassing. They were the most scheming. Five million people let them kill each other and found it. He never let go.

"I need your cooperation. They are in the desert, they can't walk, and there is no assistance. I need your satellite to position them."

"I know."

Lin Songye hung up the phone and moved on.

On the other hand, Jack’s car broke down and could no longer act. The sandstorm gave the car. The trunk had some water and snacks. It was already ready. Jack put the equipment on his back and how much water he could bring. Something to say about biscuits is needed. Other foods are taken less, mainly ammunition and water. When they are ready, he throws other foods aside and bury them, and walks deep in the distance.

Mu far fainted in the past, knowing nothing, after a dust storm, a sunny day, Jack looked up at the sky, sweat continued to fall, Mu Yuan lost consciousness and was too heavy.

Jack can only let Mu Yuan carry his equipment. He takes Mu Yuan back and walks deep into the desert.

He took out a compass. Although he was not fortunate enough, fortunately, there was a compass, and no information could be caught. The whole desert looked at the past and was absurd.

Tragic and beautiful.

"Xiaoyuan..." He shouted Mu Yuan several times, Mu Yuan did not feel, Jack said, "You pray us, not so bad, do not encounter the storm camp."

Otherwise, unless there is a miracle, they will have difficulty getting out of the desert.


There must be two small theaters today, or I will punish me for ten pounds! ! !

Girls, Happy Children's Day. At the beginning of the month, ask for the girl’s monthly guarantee ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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