Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1643: Go to the cut head

Chapter 1643 goes to the cut head

Night court, "..."

Wei Lin and others also heard the crying. When they hurriedly came, they saw the ruthless night court and the night when they cried very fakely. There was a lot of hair on the ground. At the beginning of the night, they cried and took something to marry him.

"Bad egg, bastard, you are not my brother, ah ah, why lie to me."

The night court slammed his hand and pointed at Wei Lin. Let him come and wipe his butt. Wei Lin looked at it and turned away indifferently. You married my daughter, I didn’t intervene, and I didn’t want to call you a father-in-law.

When Willin left, she cried even louder at night.

"Don't cry, don't cry, I'm wrong." The night court said, went to her, the haircut at the beginning of the night was not cut, the night court said, "Summer is coming, long hair is very hot, but also long Come back, try this new hairstyle this time."


I cried at the beginning of the night to choke, "You hurt my hair."

The night court did not cope with this kind of thing, and my heart sighed, quite good temper. "I just want to make you cool."

"I said, don't cut your hair, you have to cut it, you still cut it, you don't ask a master, you will, you will, you will take scissors to get my hair."

The night court is losing money, I am wrong.

There were tears on the eyelashes at the beginning of the night, and I cried very sadly. "My ball head."

"You can tie the ball, you wait." The night court is going to perform well this time, and she has combed an apple head. This hairstyle is very suitable for the apple face at the beginning of the night. It looks super nice and looks very good. Innocent, more like a child, cute like a doll.

I accidentally took a look at the mirror at the beginning of the night. Oh, it’s still very beautiful.

Although it was terrible to put it down, the head of the ball was still very beautiful. Her heart was cold and cold, and it turned out that her face was more difficult to beat, no matter what kind of hairstyle can be driven.

This hand was broken and she cut her hair like this.

"Good-looking," said the night court.

Said at the beginning of the night, "You lied to me, I am blind, and I can't see it."

"After a while, you ask the security guards, they must be very beautiful."

"It's yours, of course, speaking to you. If you don't look good, you can say good-looking. I don't look good in short hair."

The night court asked, "How can you be happy and not crying?:"

At the beginning of the night, I sucked my nose. "You give me your hair."

The night court looked at the hair on the ground, would you pick it up? I was angry at the beginning of the night. "I will forgive you if you shave your hair."

Night court, "..."

What, are you serious?

"Wow..." I cried out at the beginning of the night, crying very sadly. When I heard her crying, I felt a headache. I didn’t cry at all. The key was that he was not good.



She has not been able to satisfy her haircut. ”

The night court took a deep breath. "Well, the bald head is bald, don't cry, let me go out and let Welline cut my hair."

"I told you, I am going to check."

"it is good!"

The night court broke out the door, bald? Is it necessary to be so cruel? Wei Lin listened to the request at the beginning of the night, laughed at the table, and watched it coldly in the night. Wei Lin said, "Two less, to be honest, your face is very pitted, and the bald head is very handsome. You can rest assured. Let's go."

Hahahaha, just a little, he decided not to stay up late.

The night court flashed a flash of light, "have it."

"Where!" Wei Lin listened to the advice of the night court, and the eyebrows were all picked up. You are so bullying people, is it really good? Does the conscience not hurt?


Girls, ask for a monthly ticket, update the rest immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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