Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1648: Xiao Er brother likes to develop a department

Chapter 1648 Xiao Erge likes to develop a department

Lying is not a red heart, it is normal.

"Really, you didn't deceive me? You lied to me is a blind man, you didn't cut your hair at all."

"Cut your hair, this is a wig."

"Then you swear, you didn't lie to me."

"I swear, I didn't lie to you."

"It’s so simple to swear, you have no bets."

Lying in the trough, he really is a scam.

Big liar, used to cheating, you look at lying, eyes are not blind, so smooth, do not need to stop, terrible, terrible fox.

"How do you swear?"

"You said that if you lie to me, you can't find a wife."

Night court, "..."

Is this too vicious, can't find a wife?

Can't find a wife to marry you, what mistakes have I made to punish me?

"You dare not, you are deceiving me."

At the beginning of the night, the tiger’s face is smirking, letting you lie, letting you lie, you can’t lie, big swindler.

"Well, if I lie to you, I can't find my wife, I have to marry you, I am wronged."

"What?" At the beginning of the night, he yelled at him. "Are you not my brother? God, are you so heavy? Are you too ethical? Whose brother said this to his sister."

Wei Lin laughed at the table. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha... oh yeah, no, laugh, I can't eat well."

The night court also forgot that he was the brother of the early night. If he didn't remind him at the beginning of the night and really forgot, his face was a bit strange. "Okay, well, just teasing you."

At the beginning of the night, I was cold and the night court cut a piece of meat to feed her. I was angry at the beginning of the night. "Don't eat."

"Well, tell me when I am hungry."

He was very meticulous at the beginning of the night. He fed it for nearly half an hour, and he ate it casually. It took less than three minutes to get it. He bought two pieces of cake and a bottle of milk, which went on at the beginning of the night.

Sure enough, in less than an hour, I was hungry at the beginning of the night, and I was hungry while sitting in his arms.

The night court gave her milk and pastries.

The afternoon sun was a bit toxic, and the night court pulled the night to the side, took out the sunscreen, painted her with sunscreen, and painted all the faces, arms and legs, very detailed.

Wei Lin said, "There are two less, there is a saying that I don’t know when I’m talking about it. You are really like raising a niece, and giving her sunscreen is just a spicy eye. If the future two young ladies see this scene, Want to vomit blood?

This sister is simply the biggest rival.

"Don't you let me not talk today?"

"Okay I'm sorry."

Weiling thought, even if he didn't say it, what did you do, and didn't you count it? Isn't this a niece? You are not so detailed about yourself, and raising a little princess is so meticulous.

Is it necessary to apply a mask to her at night?

"Girls love beautiful, Wei Lin, you go buy a box of masks, apply masks at night to the night, raise her skin, I am afraid she will get sunburn."

Weiling heart in mmp.

Sure enough, he was guessed.

I didn’t know what a mask was at the beginning of the night. "What is a mask?"

Sounds like a good thing.

"It's something that can make you look good." The night court explained that she was pinching on her face. She was at sea all the time. It is reasonable to say that the skin should be very dark, but she is still very white, not rough, and has no pores. Young is good, full of collagen.

(End of this chapter)

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