Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1650: Small apple's high position

Chapter 1650, the high position of the apple


The night court sent Mu Yuan away, and returned to the Miss Building at the beginning of the night. Helen met them on the top floor. At the beginning of the night, it was like a large pendant in the night. He couldn’t come down on him, and he was hugged all the way. Master bedroom.

At the beginning of the night when I didn't sleep on the plane, I fell asleep until I got up at night until I woke up. I was hungry when I woke up. The Miss Building was not so free. It was not good at the beginning of the night.

Because the miss building is full of cameras, she has to install a scorpion, and her acting skills will be better.

"Brother?" At the beginning of the night, I reached out and walked out of the bedroom to pretend that some days. She was familiar with the layout of the room. One person would not have done anything big.

Helen is giving her a bowl of chopsticks. "Miss at the beginning of the night, have a meal, and the second is less, and it will take a while to come back."

At the beginning of the night, I smeared the past and sat down. Helen arranged some dishes for her, all she didn't like. She saw Helen put the lamb she didn't like in the bowl.

She doesn't like Helen.

At the beginning of the night, I couldn’t expose my eyes, took a sip and spit it out. "What is this, it is difficult to eat."

"Musk, don't you eat?" Helen smiled. "You have forgotten me, I have forgotten it. Then I will give you a little more. What do you want to eat?"

At the beginning of the night, I smiled sweetly, showing a smile that was mad at people. "No, I will wait for my brother to come back. I like him to feed me."

Helen pinched the spoon and almost didn't collapse. The smile at the beginning of the night was sweet. It looked very sullen in Helen's eyes, and she didn't care what she was thinking at the beginning of the night.

She pushed the chair away, walked to the side of the sofa, lay down, listened to the song, and admired Helen's look.

Cool! !

I want to be whole, no way, I am not mad at you.

Competing for such a thing, as long as it is a girl, it seems to be self-taught. At the beginning of the night, it is a little princess at sea. Everyone is squatting, but she can’t stand a little temper. Her temper is big, and Helen gives her Look, she can't stand it.

At the beginning, she also had a black face with Helen, but now she has found a way to make her more unhappy.

As a nephew, she is more time to observe and understand, and know what can make Helen lose her mind.

Cool and cool! !

"Miss at the beginning of the night, come over and eat a little. Two young people are very busy today. After sitting for so long, they have to go out to talk about business. They must be very tired. How can I take care of you?" Helen said, give her A bowl of rice, treat her as a child, "Sure enough to eat."

"Don't eat!" At the beginning of the night, I slammed the sofa. "I want my brother to feed, don't quarrel with me."

Helen was very angry, but he resisted it. He didn’t think about it at the beginning of the night. He said, “The children who don’t study are really uncultivated.”

At the beginning of the night, "..."

She is not educated?

What is education? Can you eat?

However, Helen said that she did not study. She understood it. She did not go to school. When her father was there, she was the righteous father to teach her to read and read. The righteous father was gone. It was Bruce who taught her, but she could teach her. Limited, her language talent is OK.

"You read so many books, and still talk bad things behind you, you are amazing."

Helen smiled. "Miss at the beginning of the night, to be honest, you are the sister of two young people. I have always respected you. You should not regard respect as your tempering capital. This is the miss building, not the place where you have a temper, but also Know your identity, you are just blind, and you will take care of you if you are poor. If you are good, he will send you away."

(End of this chapter)

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