Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1672: Perverted mad little brother

Chapter 1672, metamorphosis, mad little brother

Although the young lady at the beginning of the night is not sexy, but small, cute, so cute, maybe some men like this one. As a girl, she feels that the early Miss is very cute.

"Miss at the beginning of the night, you can rest assured that it is on me."

She went to the sister group to ask for help, and she must let the night court fall in love with the night.

Emma always felt that someone was following her. This feeling made her feel very uncomfortable. She got the job assistant's position today. After working for a day, she was very busy. After work, she simply drank a cup of coffee in the miss building. Then she went to see A friend.

She just came to New York, was unfamiliar, took a language training class, met a group of people, they heard that she got the position of assistant to the assistant of the president, they were very happy, took her out to celebrate.

Miss has a spare job every year, and it is very difficult to get into the job as if it is a thousand troops. It is very difficult for Emma to enter the miss and it is a merger of luck and strength.

Emma and her friends have been playing at the bar for more than eleven o'clock. They are going to work at 8 o'clock in the morning. She can't go to work. The apartment she rented is not far from the miss building. It is two streets away and can walk. When she came out of the bar, she felt that someone was tracking, but she did not find suspicious people.

The night court followed Emma all the way, and she followed her all the way to the bar. He felt like a perverted madman, to follow a little girl, or his assistant.

According to the survey report, Emma is not a playful girl. She occasionally goes to the bar and has less to go. Her girls of this age are more fond of playing. She has a good background. She has always cultivated her as a lady. , knowing the book, the temperament is very good, when playing in the bar is also very open, very multi-faceted.

Just like most Western women he knows, when playing, playing as much as you like, working very seriously.

He looked at Emma's information. Her information is not too much. Most of Wei Lin's photos are photos of her in recent years. When she was young, there were not many photos, but a few of them were familiar. It is the familiar Emma.

No matter how hypnotized himself, the night court knows that he found the girl of the year, close at hand, but did not recognize each other.

She forgot about him.

He is helping, what is he doing?

Tracking a little girl in the middle of the night, what do you want to do?

He asked himself silently, but he couldn't get an answer. There was no reason. His dark guards were not far away. Wei Lin said, "What are you thinking about? Two are better than Emma. He is not Looking for Emma for so many years, what are you hesitating?"

"How much do you like the young lady at the beginning of the night?" One of them spit out. "The young lady can't see her eyes at the beginning of the night. If Emma enters two lives, she should be pitiful."

Where to go.

"She can't be pitiful," Wei Lin said coldly. "I was pitiful when I had two less knives."

"Why are you so vengeful? Two of them have not been robbed of a knife, and it is your turn to avenge."

"Hey, you have been cheated by the beginning of the night. This girl is very good at it."


Several secret guards broke the heart for the boss, but the boss looked at Emma's information indifferently. The night court thought, he and Emma recognized it, or did he agree?

For so many years, is it that he is passionate about himself, and Emma has long forgotten the original promise.

(End of this chapter)

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