Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1676: I want to run away from home.

Chapter 1676, I am leaving home.

At that time, she fainted. I heard that two young people personally took her to the hospital, and they missed the meeting with the other company, and they were forced to reschedule.

The night court said, "Do not get in the way, raise your body, what does the doctor say?"

"It's the flu," Emma said. "The patients I received recently in the hospital are all symptoms like me. They can also prescribe the right medicine. Two less, so late, you still come to see me, thank you very much, I have nothing, you Go back to rest early."

Just finished, it was a desperate cough. The night court heard that she wanted to cough up her heart and lungs. This is unfamiliar to life. It is not very good to ask for a day's work. The place is relatively remote.

Emma needs someone to take care of him at night, and he can't get a hand around him.

The night court thought for a moment, "Let's rest, wait for you to fall asleep, I will leave."

Emma looked at him slyly. This man is too gentle. Although she rarely talks to her, she can do things with reliance, courage and decision. In the eyes of Emma, ​​a man is attractive to her, looks and looks. Wealth is not a sub-item. She is a little rich woman, she is smart, she is a master, and she looks good.

Men's attraction, wealth and appearance are secondary to her, and strength and ability are the most important.

She is arrogant and arrogant, and she has many pursuers, but she never looks at her eyes. She never talked about love. She thought that men are like her pursuers or they have nothing but they have to have a good face or they are rich and powerful. However, she has a good skin, and she has never encountered such a mature and decisive man in the evening. It is a model of her fantasy boyfriend.

"Two less, you... are you so good to the assistant?"

In the night court, he is really good to his own secretaries. He is almost responsive. His secretaries are also loyal to him. Everything will be directed to him, and he will not need to worry about what the secretaries should do.

Everything is done properly, so the work team under his hand is very good and quite united.

As for the assistant, most of his assistants are under the control of the secretary.

"My people, I will take good care of it." The night court said faintly, "Let's take a break."

Originally wanted to call Wei Lin, but Wei Lin’s own nephew was not very good. He might fall down after a night, and he wouldn’t be available. He stopped watching Emma and went out to call at the beginning of the night.

Xiaoju took the phone and saw the caller ID and told the phone at night that it was a nightmare. At the beginning of the night, he snorted. "No."

"Beautiful, it must be like this, your position must be firm."

Nodding at night, I am obedient and obedient, "Good!"

Xiao Ju took the phone and asked in the evening. "At the beginning of the night, have you slept?"

"The lady at the beginning of the night hasn't slept yet. You didn't come back today. She is not happy. She didn't eat dinner." Xiaoju said very distressed. "I tried to marry her. She still refused to eat, just cried again." ”

At the beginning of the night, I round my eyes, pointing at myself, crying?

Is it a bit exaggerated?

She listened and felt that she was exaggerating, is this really good? The second brother went out for a trip, she was going to find a living, this image is a bit not very good, but she is a little angry.

Xiaoju also felt a bit exaggerated. She just had to make up for it. The night court said, "How come you cry, how do you take care of her? You give her a call."

Xiaoju thought, hey, the second did not think that the young lady at the beginning of the night was too good, very good, very good.

(End of this chapter)

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