Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1681: Pay the price

Chapter 1681 pays the price


The appraisers want to stop talking, but the black mediator has no patience. "Forget it, don't say it, how much is it?"

Such a large piece of diamonds should be worth a lot of money.

The appraiser opened a price, "One million dollars."

"Wow, make a fortune." The black intermediary ecstasy, the appraisers thought, if there is no embarrassment, it is worth more, it is invaluable, and who has a bubble in the brain, even opened a hole in such a top diamond, put things in, too It’s a violent thing.

The black intermediary ecstasy, I knew that it was worth the money, he wouldn’t catch people, but he also made a chicken jump. He took the necklace directly. He just had to trade, and the agents of the Miss Building were like the gods. Appeared and controlled people.

Xiaoju looked at only the black intermediary and the necklace, and my heart screamed, what about the young lady at the beginning of the night?

"Miss at the beginning of the night, what about the people you caught?"

"Who are you, I tell you, here is..."

Xiaoju shot him down on the ground. "Do not talk nonsense, what about our lady?"

"How do I know where the crazy girl is, she was taken away, it is not my business." The black agent saw all the agents around, and he knew that he had provoked things.

"I was going to take her to the black factory to take the organ. Who knows that there was a car accident in the middle, she disappeared. I think this necklace is worth more. I will use this necklace to trade in the black market."

Xiaoju’s heart is dark, not good, something went wrong.

"Where did you have a car accident?"


At the beginning of the night, she was so uncomfortable. Why was she so unlucky? The car and the black intermediary began to wriggle. As a result, there was a car accident in the middle. She wanted to take back her necklace. I didn’t expect her to be robbed.

Bruce... She is still alive, ecstatic at the beginning of the night, can't believe that Bruce is still alive, the car turned over, the arm at the beginning of the night was stabbed by the glass, blood flow, Bruce is bandaging her.


"To shut up!"

At the beginning of the night, he yelled at him. "What do you want me to do, I thought you were dead."

Bruce was so much, it looked very distressing. He looked at him at the beginning of the night, and he didn’t say anything. He also had a car accident, which hurt her.

"Do you want me to die?"

"How do you speak yin and yang? I ask you, my uncle, Xiaoliu, is it dead? Are they accidents, other crew members?" asked eagerly at the beginning of the night.

"You are not amnesia, are you still awkward?" Bruce was very dissatisfied. It seemed to be tracking the beginning of the night, and also knowing her situation. When she thought of her intimacy with the night court, he was relieved. .

"I lied to the night court." At the beginning of the night, I flattened my mouth. "I have a few days of memory confusion after I have an accident. I can’t remember it. My eyes have been stunned for a few days. Then I will be fine. I will count it."

She asked, "What about Xiaoliu?"

"Small six is ​​dead." Bruce said faintly, the tears at the beginning of the night fell instantly. Recently, there were more acting, but this time I shed tears but there is no such thing as acting.

Her little six is ​​gone.

Night court! ! !

Bruce said, "Forget it, don't mention it, you go with me."

At the beginning of the night, she opened the hand of Bruce. She shook her head gently. "No, I don't leave."

"At the beginning of the night!" Bruce shouted. "What are you doing?"

"I want to let the night court pay the price."

"What is the price, I think you have to pay yourself to him, and what price does he pay?"


Today, 7 is even more, and I have made up for yesterday’s, what are you, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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