Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1683: You fell in love with the night court昀2

Chapter 1683, you fell in love with the night court昀2

"Insane." At the beginning of the night, everyone thought that everyone was crazy. In order to revenge, they held their own opinions, and then they were all crazy. Bruce’s hatred of the night court was not at all.

At the beginning of the night, "Bruce, I didn't fall in love with the night court."

"Then why don't you leave, you say you have to retaliate, how can you retaliate against him?"

I didn't want to say my plan at the beginning of the night, faintly said, "You don't have to know."

"Why don't I have to know, you can't say it."

"He was a nephew, an amnesia, he would use me to find his sweetheart. Now, he found it, maybe his sweetheart has a blood relationship with me, Bruce, I won't let him. If you wish, revenge is not a shot, let him ask for a lifetime, and lose the most beloved, and the biggest revenge."

Let him fall in love with me, and then beat him up, is also the biggest revenge, she would rather revenge emotionally, let a person slowly be delayed, a shot, what is the meaning.

"Have you found your loved one?"

"I don't know, maybe." At the beginning of the night, I said, "There are some eyebrows, so I won't leave. Now I am in his study, free to enter and exit. What do he do, I know everything, and who The transaction, I also know clearly, it is too easy to retaliate against him. "At the beginning of the night, I looked at Bruce indifferently. "I will not fall in love with him. If there is such a day..."

Take a deep breath at the beginning of the night. "No, there will never be this day."

Bruce looked at her deeply and sarcastically said, "Well, since you have to go back, you prove to me that you really have to retaliate against the night court. You can't freely enter and exit in his study." At the beginning, give us some useful information and let me know your determination to avenge."


The night court passed the camera of the city and positioned the location of Bruce. He went to the small clinic to buy some medicines and bandages. The night court got the news at the first time and immediately rushed back. It happened to meet Bruce’s struggling night. car.

"You let me go, you are a bad person, go away, I want to go home, I want to find my brother." At the beginning of the night, while struggling while squatting, one hand scratched several scratches on Bruce's neck.

The cars in the night are all parked around Bruce, and he quickly got off, "early night!"

He heard his voice at the beginning of the night and rejoiced. "Brother, there are bad people, bad people, save me, save me..."

She almost shouted and rushed to the place where the voice of the night was screaming. Bruce saw the night court and hatred. "You are cheating on the night, you are deceiving her. It’s a liar, he’s not your brother.”

At the beginning of the night, I was holding a blues and didn't listen to him. "You let me go, you let me go, I want to find my brother, I don't want to go with you."

"Bruce, you let her go, I let you go." He wouldn't move Bruce. The last time he died a few people, he hated him like a madman at night, so he wouldn't move anyone on the ship.

Bruce was about to talk. He bowed his head at the beginning of the night, took a bite in his hand, and Bruce ate pain. He hurriedly let go of the early night and ran forward at night, because he was posing as a scorpion and knew that there was a stone underground. Still kicked up and fell to the ground.

"At the beginning of the night!"


The two men hurried forward, and Bruce took a few steps. Several agents around Xiaoju, the guns were aimed at Bruce. He gritted his teeth and hurriedly got on the bus and drove away.

(End of this chapter)

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