Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1702: Recognition

Chapter 1702

"Don't ignore him." The night tomb said calmly.

Shen Qianshu had some concerns. What happened? The most calm thing was the beginning of the night. The children’s paintings poured a glass of champagne for her, and she drank a small mouthful.

Honey came over and whispered, "Two less, Emma said that something wants to talk to you."

"what's up?"

"She didn't say it."

The night court said, "I know."

Honey looked at the beginning of the night and slowly left. At night, he asked Shen Qianshu to take care of the early night. He went to see Emma. Emma waited nervously in the conference hall, her face was reddish, like what she was looking forward to, and she saw a few steps in the night court. There was an unusual excitement in her eyes. "Brother, are you?" ?Is it... I saw you again?"

The night court screamed and stopped, and looked at her fixedly. There was also a confusion in my heart. Why did Emma not recognize him at first? Emma knew his name. When he was young, he wrote his name in her hand. .

Emma is not very good. I only remembered his name. It is too difficult to write in Chinese. It is not easy to learn. So I forgot him. This is also true. Emma, ​​eight years old, is ignorant of feelings. It is impossible for him. The deep roots are his wishful thinking. She doesn't remember the big brother when she was young. This is logical. Why did she suddenly remember it?

He was cautious and had a skeptical attitude toward everything. Except for the confusing things at the beginning of the night, he never indulged a subtle flaw, long silence, like sliding a gap in front of Emma.

Emma's eyes flashed red. "I had a little trouble in our family. I was seriously injured. When I was young, things were a little fuzzy. There are many things I can't remember, but I remember my big brother. Remember to take me to catch Fish, take me to the bicycle, take me to fly a kite, teach me the harmonica, I remember one by one, but your name is too difficult to remember, my memory is not good, I thought I will never see you again. ”

"I saw your interview on financial advertisement a year ago. I think you are very familiar, so I will take Columbia University. I want to stay with you in a mature, inexplicable feeling that you are familiar, but I really I don't remember very much. After watching the concert that day, I accidentally turned to the handwriting of my childhood. I remembered it. Big brother, it is you... right?"

Her tears, like broken pearls, continually slipped down, causing pity, and the night court whispered, "Emma... is me."

Emma's emotions instantly collapsed, suddenly rushed over, hugged him, crying out of restraint, emotional collapse, "big brother, you lied, you said you are coming to me, why didn't you come to me, I... I am not I want to forget you."

Wen Xiang soft jade rushed over, full of sweet fragrance, if other people, had been thrown out by him, but she is Emma, ​​he looked for Emma for eleven years, the night court is awkward.

This is a scene in which he dreams and dreams countless times.

One day, they will meet again, they will recognize each other and will be together, such as being intimate when they are young.

But his mood is very heavy, such as pressing a huge stone, heavy, Emma crying for a long time, makeup is crying some flowers, she choked, "I have been waiting for you to come to me, but you have not come I... I was disappointed. I know that I have to rely on myself, so I force myself to hate you and gradually forget you. I didn’t mean it."

"I know."

(End of this chapter)

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