Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1708: The truth of the year

Chapter 1708 The Truth of the Year

"I have any way, so many things are rushing together, her eyes..."

"Shut up, what is terrible, and rare."

"I rarely see how strange. The eyes you have seen are like her. The three masters have said that she is a cursed child and will bring disaster to her family. When she spends a lot of money to go home."

"I am!" The woman yelled, "What **** master, the master who I invited, fortune telling, why didn't she calculate her life, cursed, are to please your father, according to his words, you are still a loss Reader, this letter also?"

The little round-faced girl hid behind the screen and watched them quarrel. The little wolf dog that Tang En’s family raised came in. She saw her strange and screamed at her. The small round face was scared and screamed, and the screen was overturned.

The woman was angry and shouted at the wolf dog. "Get out!"

Xiaoyuan face scared to run over and rushed into the woman's arms. The man glanced at her. "Night Wen, you are crazy, you dare to bring her back, do you want to mad at Dad?"

"Are you jealous? Have you seen her dissent? She has a pair of eyes."

Xiaoyuan’s face is looking up and rubbing his eyes, “Mrs....”

The man's temper converges a little, and he walks away. The woman holds the small round face and quickly gets into the car and leaves.


The woman reached out and gently stroked her head. "Emma, ​​don't be afraid, my mother will definitely take you home."

"I have a home." Xiaoyuan said, "Is he... Dad?"

"He doesn't deserve."

Xiaoyuan’s face didn’t talk, and the woman kissed her on the cheek. “I usually let the butler teach you etiquette. You must learn, remember? Don’t just look at the cat to make a dog, climb the tree and catch the fish, the lady will The character of a lady, look at the people's silk, give you the teacher you asked, you haven't learned the fur, people have learned the essence, you have a long snack."

"Oh..." Xiaoyuan said with a sullen look, "I don't like it."

"I still don't like your dad, I don't marry." The woman poked at her head. "Emma, ​​when you grow up, you know, you don't like it, no one cares about you."


When the night court leaves, the top layer is set to private mode. There are several modes on the top layer. After setting it to private mode, only his fingerprint and iris can enter the elevator unless someone has wings to fly to the top. .

Even if the wings are flying up, the top layer will open the anti-seeking system. In other words, no one can go up except for him, and he can't come at night. The entire annual meeting will last for several hours, and his medicine will last for several hours.

"Jun Chen Ge..."

After the evening party hosted a program, came over to find the night Junchen, Emma sat next to the night Junchen, sweetly shouting at the night court, "Brother..."

Shen Qianshu, "..."

The child painted and touched his chin.

The mother and the child looked at each other and what did they miss?

The night Ling coughed, indicating that their mother and child noticed the expression management, Shen Qianshu and the children's paintings recovered as usual, and the night court smiled at her. "Jun Chen, I have something to talk to you, is it convenient?" ”

"it is good!"

Emma looked at the night Junchen and the night court, leaving the night tonight and her, and there were some embarrassment. She didn't seem to notice it, whispering and talking with the child.

The night court pulled the night Junchen to the remote place, and the night Junchen was puzzled. "What happened, God is mysterious."

(End of this chapter)

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