Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1710: Heart like a deer

Chapter 1710 is like a deer hit

Night Junchen said, "Although the aunt is weak, but it is not a sultry person. If you want Emma to die, Emma can't live in adulthood. I am also very incomprehensible."

Night Junchen was very strange about this incident. The news that came out of the year was a bit inexplicable. The big son of Dunn also clarified many times. In the end, no one believed, and then forced to take Emma back.

Night Junchen said, "If this is what he did, then Emma will go back just to block the long mouth. He doesn't have to cultivate Emma carefully. People are at home, just arguing, and raising a few years will be able to raise the waste. Or, it’s dead, no one knows this. Even if they are jealous of their home, he won’t do this, so I don’t think it’s related to the aunt. Why is it because of fire? The reason is unknown. Things, it was not easy for us to intervene in the past. My father always had a prejudice against the aunt. He also identified him. In fact, there is no evidence. If it is not such a big thing, he will not be able to cover the sky. Retreat."

The night court is thoughtful and silent.

"I know."

"Well, how are you curious about their home?"

"I met Emma when I was young. When she mentioned this, I asked casually."

Night Jun Chen thought, your attitude is not like asking casually, this is the bottom of the matter, is it because it is relevant? What is his relationship with Emma, ​​and the night Junchen is confused.

Night Junchen and the night court did not talk for a long time, returned to the banquet hall, Emma sat quietly, the night mausoleum and Shen Qianshu bowed down to say something, the child painted in the video, holding a small book brush to write the signature, someone came To sign, tear a piece, and make a big wholesale, it is very cool.

Night Junchen smiled and said, "Baby, the signature is more precious, sign less, and you will be worthy of the future when you are red."

The children's paintings are small and cute, "Da Bo, isn't I already red-hot?"

Shen Qianshu, "..."

Night Junchen, "..."

Suddenly speechless, the bad mood of the night court was inexplicably cured.

Helen slightly exited the banquet hall. She just saw the night court and took a break at the beginning of the night. Wei Lin and Xiao Ju were outside the warning line. There should be no one on the top floor. Helen originally wanted to go up and found one thing. She had no authority.

There are two kinds of privilege on the top floor, such as the night court and other people. Others include agents who take care of the night court and daily life, as well as secretaries, Wei Lin and others. There are more than a dozen people.

He can't go up, it must be because the night court has modified the authority, either to release her permission, or to set it as an individual, set to personal authority, which is relatively rare.

Could it be that at the beginning of the night, he had the heart to face his subordinates for so many years?

On the main table, Xiaoxiao thinks that the signature is indeed a precious thing. It is a little cheap and cheap to start wholesale. It starts to go noble and cold style, no longer signs, he no longer signs, no one dares to bother him, but it is clean. .

Emma asked, "Brother, you have a lot of troubles, is there any trouble?"

"There are some." The evening court picked up a glass of champagne and gently swayed. A stream of water reflected his eyes, like a glaze of color, and Emma's heartbeat missed a beat.

The heart is like a deer, and the night court is the type that looks more and more eye-catching. The Emma ear is dyed with a little pink, and it is a little shy to talk to him. Although the night court and the night mausoleum are brothers, they talk more than the night mausoleum. .

(End of this chapter)

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