Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1719: Emma and Little Emma

Chapter 1719 Emma and Little Emma

Love is a very strange thing, he is so, then love Emma, ​​even willing to use his own life, in exchange for seeing Emma. Wei Lin has always found some clues about Emma. Every time he studies it, it is fake. After countless times of expectation, he falls from heaven to prison and makes him unacceptable.

When he missed Emma most, he was thinking that if he could see Emma, ​​he would be eye-catching in his life.

But he didn't have a little attachment to Emma in front of her, and she couldn't touch his heart. He didn't feel the heart of Emma in front of him, and he didn't have the urge to live with her for a lifetime.

A good feeling is limited to good feelings, just like seeing a beautiful girl, admiring a girl's cleverness, generosity, and general knowledge. That's all. This is not the same as what he imagined.

He kept asking himself, did he forget the vows of his childhood?

Did he live up to Emma's expectations?

The man’s promise must be observed. It is the creed of the night man, but he can’t convince himself anyway, go to Emma for a lifetime, and fall in love with Emma.

He really is a calm and almost ruthless person.

"But why don't you ignore me?" Emma grievances, with a little accusation, let the night court think of his little Emma, ​​his heart is like a stab in his heart.

"Emma, ​​if you like, I will love you as a sister. You are my sister. I will care for you, cultivate you, and satisfy all your wishes. When you marry, I will prepare a rich meal for you. The dowry." The night court whispered that this is what he can do, the biggest limit, within the scope of his ability, giving Emma the best.

Emma's eyes widened slightly, her eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, the red was a little scary, and the tears rolled down. "You...say, I will wait until I grow up to marry me."

The night court is like a fire, and can't keep his promise. It is a thing that makes him feel that he has no dignity and is extremely terrible. When he talks about business, although he will deceive people, he will not promise anything. cheat.

Only on the terms, rhetoric, all the title of an old fox.

But if you can let him promise you what conditions, he never regrets.

Emma looked at him with disappointment and sadness, peeling off his own heart. "Brother, I like you very much. When I was young, I used you as my protector. I always thought about you in the fire. I thought I would never see you again." I hated you later, I hate that you didn't be there when I needed it most, but I never gave up on expectations in these years. I always look forward to it. You will come to me one day, you will come."

"But you said, you treat me as a sister. When I saw you at the Miss Building for the first time, I felt that you were familiar. I didn't even know that you were a brother. I said to my honey sister, I want to pursue you. I know that you are a brother, I am ecstatic, I thought this is the fate of our destiny, you and I are destined to be together, we..."

"I never want to be your sister."

In the face of her complaint, the night court did not need her to be well received. Emma’s complaint was justified and he had to bear it.

The hand of the night court accidentally pressed the control button of the computer host, a holographic image appeared in the center of the office, the small Emma with a smile, the strange little round face is particularly flattering.

"Ah!!" Emma screamed in shock.


After the update is over today, ask for the little moon tickets of the little fairies.

(End of this chapter)

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