Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1728: This is my selfie

Chapter 1728 This is my selfie

The small apple can be poisoned, and the wrong man will poke to the knee of Xiao Erge.

Xiao Erge: My sweetheart, I used to seduce me the last time.

Little Apple: You have wiped out people, hey, man.

Xiao Erge: I missed her thoughts and let her go. I regret it so far.

Little Apple: Hahahahahahahaha, you are so miserable, did your sweetheart not seduce you again?

Xiao Erge: Hey, it’s hard to say a word.

Apple: You are doing this, people may not like you.

Xiao Erge: I didn't like it.

Little Apple: I don't like it, why should you lure you?

Xiao Erge: Small things, the earth is very dangerous, very complicated, you still have to stay on Mars, you don't understand.

Little Apple: Little brother, you can hear your heart through the screen, give me another chance, I must kill her, let her pregnant with my little baby.

Xiao Erge: You are too evil. You have been polluted recently. You are no longer I know the pure and lovely apple.

Little Apple: What does it feel like to love someone?

Xiao Erge: I feel very happy when I think about her. I am very happy to chat with her. I am very happy to see her.

Little Apple: According to this theory, do we not like each other?

Little brother; I suddenly can't answer.

Little Apple: Hahahahaha, well, I don't talk to you, my time is coming, goodbye.

At the beginning of the night, the mobile phone was directly turned off. In order to prevent the accident, the software was removed, and the mobile phone was put back. She stretched out her waist, moved her muscles, and took a nap after leaving the bathroom.

Bruce was very reliable, and after a few days, the information about Emma was passed to her mobile phone. When she was taking a shower at night, she took out her mobile phone and saw Emma's introduction and photos.

Before the age of eight, Emma had almost no photos. When the house around the small castle was almost changed, the little castle was rebuilt and the owner changed. The things that happened there were like a dark secret, no one. I mentioned it.

After Emma returned to the family of Dunn, life was like hanging up. It was all about the existence of Xueba. Although she was not favored at home, she was very hard and hard working. She stood firm in Tang’s family with her own efforts. I got the love of my grandfather and father, my sister.

She thought of a word that her children taught her to go against the wind.

She looked at Emma's several photo IDs and put them aside. She took Bruce's heart in her heart and asked her to check the information before the age. What kind of ghosts did he check? What information is this?

She didn't want to read the information at all, nor did she have a photo of Emma when she was eight. When she was 12 years old, she looked at the photo and tried to recall the face of the person in the dream. The dream was clear and the dream was awake. After that, the person's face became very blurred, and there was no way to clearly remember the face of the small goose egg face.

"Bruce is an idiot."

She turned off the plane and kept herself in the bedroom. Why did she want to know the photos of Emma before the age of eight? I didn’t know what it was like at the beginning of the night. If you ask the night court directly, let him check it, she scratches her head irritably, and her heart is very depressed.

The night court slammed on the door and knocked, "I will take you out for a walk."

"I don't want to go."

“What do you do at home every day?” said the evening court, “I have been busy with a big project recently. Fortunately, it’s already in the final stage, and no one is in trouble. I just have time to go out with you.”


Today's update is over, what? !

(End of this chapter)

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