Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1734: I'm on your side

Chapter 1734 I am by your side

Xiao Ju found that she was very silent at the beginning of the night. After returning from the hospital, she suddenly had aphasia. The tip of her ear was always red blood. The whole person was immersed in a pink bubble.


What did she miss?

At the beginning of the night, I was lying in bed silently, covered with a quilt. My heart was thinking of the kiss in the night court. It was bitter, with a hint of medicine. It was originally a spoiled, just wanting to avoid her medicine. The blood seemed to be Like burning, what is he thinking? Why do you kiss her like her...I don’t want to find her own sweetheart, will she leave her?

Is he also so close to Emma?

At the beginning of the night, I pulled up the quilt and covered myself. The abdomen faintly hurts, and my heart began to soak. She was always guarding her. She dared not leave half a step. She was tortured by the night and no sleep, no daytime. The spirit couldn't resist, and soon I fell asleep. Xiaoju went out to simmer.

The night court came back, lying on the side of the night, she slept very well, her cheeks pressed against the pillow, and a few strands of hair draped tenderly on her cheek. She was quiet like a porcelain doll.

So lovely.

He thought.

The eyelashes at the beginning of the night are very long. It is the mascara on the Internet. It is long and dense. It is like a child's eyelashes. The eyebrows are thick. Although it is a baby face, it is a facial feature of thick and heavy ink. The more you look, the better.

At this moment, she has no defense at all, sleeping in her own world. Xiaoju said that she had a lot of dreams at the beginning of the night, and she always dreamed at night, but she did not say what she dreamed of.

What are the scenes in her dreams?

A thunder, resounding through the clouds, disturbed by the thunder of lightning at the beginning of the night, suddenly opened his eyes, and looked up at the night court, his face was close, his eyes were very dark, like a beam of light, eyes Gentle and firm, she is like a treasure in his palm.

Gentle but restrained, the fragile treasure is always precious and sensitive, and the forbearance that is unavoidable is erupted in his dark eyes. In the thunderstorm, a net is formed, and on her apex, it falls. A branding.

At the beginning of the night, he reached out and touched him unconsciously. He thought about it in the night, and he couldn’t hide his eyes. He touched his gentle back at the beginning of the night and was held in his hand by his back. Her The fingers are long and soft, not boney, the fingers are chubby, and the small dents in the middle are extraordinarily cute and exquisite.

He clung to her hand, placed it at the tip of the nose, gently rubbed it and closed his eyes.

A thunder and lightning, a chill at the beginning of the night, "Brother..."

She rolled into his arms and hugged her waist. She was a little afraid of thunder and lightning. It was raining heavily in New York. The raindrops of the beans hit the windows, condensed into drops of water, and rolled down. The whole window was Gray, drought for a few months, the bustling city of summer heat, finally ushered in a hearty rain. Wash all the turbidity and heat.

The night court patted her shoulders gently and stared at her to sleep. "Not afraid, I am."

The storm was too late, but fortunately, I am by your side.

At the beginning of the night, she nodded her heart and her heart was like a drum. She couldn't forget her eyes. If the kiss in the hospital was the first time she saw the unusual relationship between them, she just looked at her. A thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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