Chapter 1737 faint two less

Emma has turned into a little white lotus, fascinating, and being splashed with a face of water and gentlely appease the person who wants to preside over justice, a look of forbearance, is really earth-moving.

In the evening, I saw Wei Lin’s words and stopped. "If you have anything to say."

Wei Lin was also very disgusted with the behavior at the beginning of the night. I don't know what she was going crazy. The people who made the entire Mis Building were discussing her. Even the president's reputation was tired. Honey had wanted to get justice for Emma. It was Emma Red. Eyes, do not let the people in the secretary department say to the night court.

Wei Lin said the afternoon tea restaurant. He raised his eyebrows in the night court and had a little accident. His fingers tapped on the table. "Give me the monitor."


The afternoon tea restaurant is full of surveillance. Sitting at the viewing platform at the beginning of the night, he looks at Emma and walks over to talk at the beginning of the night. Although he can't hear what they are saying, he may see that Emma's attitude is mild and smiling.

At the beginning of the night, it was like the Chongqing underground party that was caught in the same year. It was cold and frosty. It looked like a deadly expression. I didn’t talk much. I kept my hands on my knees. I occasionally held a cup of water and finally angered and splashed Emma. A face of water, Emma stood up in panic, a few men hurried over, handing a handkerchief to the handkerchief, presiding over the justice of justice, surrounded them into a group, several men did not know what to say at the beginning of the night, Emma reached out Go and stop the look of a good person.

At the beginning of the night, I was indifferent. I looked at myself and turned to look outside. There was a masculinity. I wanted the theory. Xiaoju came back and coldly smothered the people. Xiaoju seemed to persuade him to go back at night, and he was indifferent at the beginning of the night.

Xiaoju had no choice but to put a half cup of drink in front of her and frown in the night.

"Drinking cold again." Yang Feng Yin violated.

Wei Lin, "..."

Lying in the trough, you have not saved, you are really not saved.

At the beginning of the night, I had been eating the afternoon tea sweetheart. I was discussed in the afternoon tea restaurant. Some people turned a blind eye to it, but no one dared to come close. Xiaoju kept whispering something to her, and the reaction at the beginning of the night was very cold.

"What are you passing in the building?"

"It is something that is not conducive to the young lady at the beginning of the night. Under the eyes of everyone, everyone can see it. She still thinks her reputation is not bad enough." Wei Lin hates iron and is not steel, and it is uncomfortable not to get into trouble one day. At the beginning of the night.

Wei Lin wants to call in Emma and ask what is going on. The night court said, "What are you asking?"

"You don't want to know what happened?"

"If I want to know, I will naturally ask at the beginning of the night. For him, this is nothing more than a small girl who has a small slap in the face. She has a bad temper at night and has no good looks for him. Don't say it is to others. .

Emma didn't know what to say, but she poked her heart.

In the evening, I looked at the monitor again. "These men asked me to check the position. The company asked them to come to work, not to come to the hero to save the beauty. At the beginning of the night, it was the person who missed, and received my salary, bonus, People who bully me? Since they don't understand the rules, they teach them the rules."

Welling felt that there was no more mouth and no need to vomit.

Two less, you are already fainting.

He really can't bear it. "Two less, you must be a merchant in ancient times."

In order to escape the faint glory of the world.

The night court smiled. "I didn't expect you to have such a high evaluation at the beginning of the night, you can achieve your own level."

Wei Lin, "..."

Fuck, are we talking about one thing?

The night court picked up, "I went upstairs."


Today's update is over! !

(End of this chapter)

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