Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1742: I want him to fall in love with me.

Chapter 1742, I want him to fall in love with me.

At the beginning of the night, the lady is straight and innocent, how can it be the opponent of two.

When I first came out of the bathroom at the beginning of the night, I was stunned and continually pulled into a remote corner. I almost dragged her away. At the beginning of the night, my legs were constantly squatting, and my feet were on the feet of the murderer.

"At the beginning of the night!" A familiar anger sounded, and Bruce let go of her angrily. At the beginning of the night, a slap in the face, people were too short, and they didn’t fall on their faces. They could only lie on their chests, and they almost jumped at the beginning of the night. Get up and hit him, if it is not enough to think that jumping is not enough, she really wants to jump up and beat people.

"What are you doing, you won't talk well, do you have to move your hands?" At the beginning of the night, I was angry and thought that I had met the bad guys. Bruce had some sorrow and his face was a bit gloomy.

"You finally got it, don't think about it in the Miss Building, have you forgotten our agreement?"

"I didn't see you when I came out." I said impatiently at the beginning of the night, and the eyebrows were a bit uncomfortable. "Bruce, have you been following me?"

"If you are not guilty, I am afraid that I will follow you. You forgot the hatred of Xiaoliu, forgot the death of the three uncles, you have forgotten, not only with the night court, but also with the women around him, hippie smiles, Have you forgotten who your family is? Ah, I am too disappointed with you." Bruce said, "Small six will die!"

At the beginning of the night, his face turned white, Bruce's voice was rough, and the roar of his face was like peeling her soul out of the whip. It was bustling outside, but she stood in the cold hell, she forgot hatred? ? She did not forget, she just did not agree with Bruce's way of revenge, did not want to participate, just want to use his own way to revenge.

She did not forget the hatred of Xiaoliu.

She will not let her brother die.

There is always a ruler in her heart.

Bruce looked at her look and had a bit of pain. She suddenly hugged her in her arms. "A, you wake up, miss is our enemy, we and they are two worlds, waiting for a revenge. We will go back to the sea, no, no, no, no, don’t take revenge, you go back to the sea with me, don’t take it anymore.”

Breaking away from Bruce at the beginning of the night, "You don't want revenge, it's your business, don't make decisions for me."

"You want revenge, do you want to take revenge? I think you have to treat the missing person as your family." Bruce said, "You want revenge, why not come under my plan, I will let you steal one." Is it so difficult to share?"

"Yes." At the beginning of the night, "That is not my principle of being a man. My righteous father said that life is alive, no matter how much grievances, no matter how much hatred, don't get innocent. I am in the top floor of the miss, I heard the night. Ting said that if the victim suffers economic blows and goes bankrupt, it is not just his own business. The livelihood of tens of thousands of employees will become a problem. Many people will be implicated. My enemies are just night courts. Not an innocent person, what you ask me to do, I can't do it."

Bruce grabbed his hair and his face turned red. "You don't want to argue, I monitor you for so long, you... you fall in love with the night court, you are so close to him, Ahchu, you..."

"If I am not close to him, how can he fall in love with me?" At the beginning of the night, his face was blank, his face was blank, his face was full of blood, like a transparent skin on his face, she met Bruce's line of sight. "I just want him to fall in love with me."

(End of this chapter)

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