Chapter 1745 Sister 2

Emma didn't dare to lie. She said the identity of the early night. She said with a slight depression. "She doesn't seem to like me very much. The last time I poured a face on me, I didn't have any good looks every time I saw it."

"How did you offend her?"

"Sister, you still don't know me, how can I offend people, maybe she has too much possessiveness, I am chasing the night court, he may not want to fall in love with me at night."

Alice nodded and looked at Emma sideways and didn't talk much. Emma has some horror, she has always been afraid of her sister, her sister has been a schoolmaster since childhood, and is cultivated as the heir to the Tang family, inheriting the good genes of the Tang family, looks like Dunn The old lady, a beautiful blonde, a tall figure, a three-dimensional facial features, and a high IQ of the Tang En family.

The people of Tang’s family are almost all learning tyrants, and their IQs are relatively high. When they are young, they are very rebellious, skipping classes, fighting, clubbing, tattooing, drug abuse, everything, and there is a very rebellious girl in the bones. Even so, she is also a god-level figure, all the way to the best school, after the rebellious period of the youth, transformed and changed the trick, began to accept the burden of the Tang family, management company, become a strong woman.

Emma had no contact with her during her childhood. When she was in real contact, she was already a little girl. The girl that Tang Enjia focused on was Alice, who was a stocking attitude towards Emma. When I first returned to Dunn's home, Alice had no feelings for Emma, ​​and her attitude was even worse. Her sister was a self-sufficient person since she was a child.

Emma has always lived in the shadow of Alice. Whether it is study, life, or style, she follows Alice. When she is a true Tang family, she is afraid to get along with Alice. She is strict with others. Harsh.

Although she is afraid, she is also admire. As a girl, Alice has taken most of the responsibility for her family. The two have been living together for seven or eight years, only to have a little sister feeling, and Emma has always obeyed Ellie. Silk, in order to please her sister, understand all her preferences, understand all her style, I hope she can like herself.

At Dunn's house, it is too important to please Alice.

When Emma first arrived at Dunn's home, she was afraid that she would be bad, and she was expelled from her home.

Until recently, she stood firm at the Tang En family, and this fear dissipated.

The elders of Tang Enjia also care a little about her, and she is really integrated into the big family.

"Sister!" Emma screamed, and Alice hurriedly stepped on the brakes, almost slamming the red light, and the people on the sidewalk were shocked. Alice hurriedly raised her hand and made a gesture of apology. Emma exclaimed, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"The plane has been sitting for a long time, some tired, and did not adjust the time difference."

Emma said, "Or, let me open."

Alice stopped at the front intersection and switched to Emma to drive. She rested in the passenger seat. Emma looked at her with concern. Her sister had flew six countries in a row, and it was really too tired.

"Sister, you are waiting for me. When I read a good book, I will share the pressure for you. You don't have to work so hard."

Alice raised her eyebrows and smiled. "Okay, I am waiting."

Emma and Alice returned to their place of residence, not far from the Miss Building. Alice looked at the Miss Building and took out the phone. "The miss project, pass it to my mailbox."

(End of this chapter)

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