Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1751: I dreamt of you

Chapter 1751 I dreamt of you

In the evening, he raised his eyebrows slightly. He had just signed a five-year contract with Alice. Before investing, he clearly investigated the background of Alice. He was very innocent and had a very healthy relationship with the official.

Mu Yuan said, "My source is not wrong. If it is wrong, I remind you that you have to keep one more eye, and it is not bad for you."

"You contact me today for this matter."


The night court can't ignore it. He recently played an empty city plan. Someone sent Alice to him. Is it a coincidence or a conspiracy? "Who should I start with the Anderson family to investigate Alice's details?"

Mu Yuan seems to be invisible, and walks alone. The sun in the desert pulls his back particularly long, like a lonely man facing his own storm, fearless and lonely.

I was awake at night, I know.

Jack Anderson.

The night court never connected Alice and Jack Shaoxia. The two are different people. The business of Dunn’s family has indeed moved to California, and he quickly gained a foothold. He thought it was Alice's personal ability is outstanding, but I did not expect it to be such a reason.

How is Mu Yuan learned about such confidential matters? When he first asked, Mu Yuan changed his face and hung up the video directly. The night court thought that Jack Anderson was really a big mine.

When he saw the time, it was three o'clock in the morning, and he was too lazy to think that he had given him a poisoned chicken soup before his big brother, and the people who stayed up late often died fast. At that time, he was vomiting in his heart. Big brother’s recent days were like oily adjustments. Shen Qianshu’s work was very irregular at first. He knew that the night tombs were less sleepy and lighter. He went to bed at 10 o'clock every day, and the night mausoleum followed her work. I got up early and got up early. I just forgot that I was a small expert at night. Oh, no, I wanted a small expert, but I couldn’t beat my brother to drink poison chicken soup.

One likes to work late at night, one who likes to stay up late to play sports cars, is his focus on feeding objects.

He went out of the study room and just wanted to habitually turn to see if he was asleep at the beginning of the night. She always had a nightmare. He just twisted his neck and looked at his sore neck and saw a scorpion-like look at the beginning of the night. When she came out, she wore a white dress, her head was zombie hanging down, her hair was short and messy, her arms were hanging weakly, and it was a small zombie.

Night court, "..."

She didn't lift her head, went straight up, and slammed into the arms of the night court, holding it, thinking in the night, sleepwalking? At the beginning of the night, he squatted on his chest and muttered, "I want to sleep with you."

Night court, "..."

A bomb was thrown over and it was a little embarrassing to blow him up. The girl was dressed up and shattered. She started to perform very hard at the beginning. Recently, she became more and more perfunctory and released herself.

What is this new trick?

What do you want to play?

He looked at the performance of your performance as soon as he looked at the beginning of the night in his arms, but his hands screamed at her in the face, lest she fall down in her arms, and said at night, "I have dreamed again."

"What did you dream about?"

Shaking his head at the beginning of the night seemed to refuse to say that the night court had a trick. "If you don't say it, I won't sleep with you."

Shake it at the beginning of the night, it seems to be afraid, for a long time, I heard the night screaming, "I dreamed of you."


The plane of 10 tomorrow morning, I will get up at the airport at 6 o'clock. I am already at 12 o'clock in the morning. I have to pack up. I can't write a lot, so I will write on the plane. I will go to Shanghai at about 10 o'clock in the evening. Written, there is time in the mid-plane, I will update, otherwise you should not wait. What? Oh, I try to keep it updated!

(End of this chapter)

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