Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1758: What do I want you to use?

Chapter 1758 What do I want you to use?

"What do I want you to use?" The night court looked cold and cold. "You are my dark guard, but I have a prejudice against the beginning of the night. I always think that you are with me, I have been faithful, I can’t do it. At least not hurt him, will perform your duties. You will hit her, no matter what reason, you should not hit her, if one day, I am in danger with her, as my dark guard How do I know if you will not be desperate to protect her because of prejudice, but instead use a knife to kill people. This is the person I put on my heart. I want a dark guard like I protect her, not a heart for her. Prejudice, the dark guard who wants her to disappear, you have passed."

I don't know what it is!

Seeing that he had followed him for many years, he did not want to say too much. He thought that Weilin was clever and could understand, but he did not expect him to intensify.

"She is pretending to be a scorpion, she will ruin you."

"Do you think that I am an idiot, do you know that she is pretending to be swearing today?" The night anger was unstoppable. Wei Lin squinted his eyes and suddenly seemed to have lost his strength. The night court whispered, "Get out!"

At the beginning of the night, I posted it at the door. Listening to the night court is not too light, and Wei Lin’s heart is unwilling to refute. The heart is very complicated. He already knew that she was pretending?

When did you know?

At the beginning of the night, it was rare to feel a little shame. When I heard the footsteps, I hurriedly climbed back and pretended to get out of the needle and got out of bed. The night court slammed the door in. The two looked at each other and there was a kind of sight at the beginning of the night. The feeling, the spine is cold, can not help but think of the words of Bruce, he said, do not believe in the night court, do not believe a punctuation.

He walked over with a calm face. At the beginning of the night, his ostrich looked down, his arms were still hanging, and her face was white, and the night court helped her to sit. "What better?"

"Drink water."

The night court collapsed a glass of water. At night, I wanted to pick it up with an uninjured hand. The night court sent it directly to her lips. At the beginning of the night, he drove the water with his strength and lay back.

"Do you have a handache?"

Nodding at the beginning of the night, it hurts, I knew that I would not play bitterness.

She is miserable, and Wei Lin is also miserable.

"You have lost too much blood, don't think about anything, just lie down and rest." The night court said that there was some helplessness and some gentleness.

At the beginning of the night, I looked up at him cautiously. "You have nothing to ask me?"

The night court is thinking, what to ask, when is your eye good, is it still hating me, is it that I am mad at you, or I will let you slash, or maybe I am dead, You will forgive me.

Every question is an answer without a solution. After all, he is the one who wants to ask him. He doesn't want to ask. The night court is gently stroking her head. The head is grown by her short hair. The furry, she looks simple and youthful, and the night court said, "I will continue to indulge you within the acceptable range."

At the beginning of the night, I looked at him blankly. I didn't know what he meant. She herself was like a small traitor who was caught by the underground party and pleaded guilty. "My eyes are good, I have not lost my memory. I am lying to you." ""

The night court looked at it, and at the beginning of the night, it was quite reasonable and straightforward. However, it was faded and ignorant. "You should not blame Wei Lin. He is right, I will kill you. You should not believe me."

(End of this chapter)

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