Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1770: Missed at the beginning of the night

Chapter 1770 is missing at the beginning of the night.

late at night.

Los Angeles is the city of angels during the day, and the city of sin at night, especially in the central city, it is very chaotic. At the beginning of the night, I slept and heard two gunshots. I was so scared that she was not sensitive to the gunshots but had a nightmare. The nerves almost screamed out, and she made another dream, dreaming. The night court, the little one’s night court.

Whose dream is that?

Why, she will dream of the night court and the small round face.

At that time, the night court was wearing a simple white shirt, jeans, white sneakers, carrying a black backpack, holding a SLR camera and shooting, accidentally entering the small castle, the small round face inadvertently put a half Pear went to his feet. He was holding the camera, took the moment she turned her head, looked down at the camera and smiled at the small round face.

"I took a picture of you, do you want it?" he asked.

Xiaoyuan's face didn't recognize life, and he ran happily. The little goose's face didn't pull. They were still standing at the penalty. The little goose's face didn't dare to move. The little round face ran over and stretched his neck to see photos. Night Tingyi bent slightly and showed the photos he took with him.

The moment the little girl looked back, the eyes were extraordinarily vivid, bright, strange, clear, and the background was blurred. Only she was slim, like the elf in the garden.

"I am so beautiful." Xiaoyuan's face smugly glared at her little scorpion, and she enjoyed herself beautifully, like a small peacock that opened the screen.

He was a lost teenager. He didn't stay in the small castle for a long time. After a good time, he said goodbye and left in a hurry. When he saw it again, he was still wearing a white shirt, jeans, carrying a backpack, and collecting the wind. Xiaoyuan face came out to play alone, and he was very happy to see him. He came over and asked him to play. The night theater photography was in need of material, and she was impressed with her, inexplicably, and regarded her as a model.

Once and for all, I gradually became familiar with it. Most of the small round faces are very strange, very free to fly, and occasionally they are very good at home. They have good manners and education. As long as they touch the hair, she can show her lady style 360 ​​degrees.

These warm pictures, in one scene, appeared in the dream, the end of the dream, but turned into a nightmare, she ran happily to the night court, but was stopped by a man in the middle of the black man, fascinated The medicine handkerchief grabbed her nose and mouth.

The dream turned sharply and turned into a nightmare.

"Achu, what's wrong with you?" Bruce looked at her worriedly, holding her shoulders, shaking her head at the beginning of the night, a cold sweat, and suddenly pushed Bruce. "Do you still have photos when I was eight?"

In a word, there was no end, and Bruce was confused. He took out his own wallet, which contained a long-time photo, early at night, Bruce, and her righteous father.

She stood in the middle, smiled and moved, her hair was all up, she had a ponytail, and she rubbed the photo at the beginning of the night. Yes, this is her, she is not the little girl.

Why, always dreaming of her?

I didn’t understand at the beginning of the night, I was cold, and Bruce held her in a distressed manner. "Don’t be afraid, I am, I am going to pour you a glass of water."

Bruce went to pour water at the beginning of the night. Not far away, there were gunshots. Bruce frowned. It was too unsafe at night. When he returned with a glass of water, he was shocked by a cold sweat.

I was gone at night.

The door is open.

(End of this chapter)

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