Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1773: Are loved by ancestors

Chapter 1773 is loved by ancestors

Mu Yuan has not yet arrived in California from Los Angeles. On the way, he basically stopped at the roadside town to refuel, eat and replenish energy. At the beginning of the night, it seems like a cultivation of immortals. He doesn’t eat much, although he is indeed a fast food cold drink. During the day, the stay time is relatively fast, the car is equipped with milk and snacks, staying at the store at night, just settle at the hotel, or it will be solved near the hotel.

Mu Yuan is used to the rough, although it is the second generation, it has also suffered a lot of hardships, and some will not pick the mouth. Where would I think of a delicate little girl at the beginning of the night, need to eat well?

He wants to swear.

At the beginning of the night, I vomited the things I ate in the morning, and took the pure water to gargle. The little face was white and scary. Mu Yuan thought that a big man in his face was stunned in front of his sick little sister. Chew it and swallow it. Simply hang up the phone with the night court. "So, you are not pregnant?"

"Yeah." At the beginning of the night, Xiaozuzong finally rewarded him with a word. Mu Yuan was quite gratified and had a good time. "Do you say more than one word?"


Mu Yuan hit a ring finger, got on the car at the beginning of the night, leaned on the passenger seat, put on sunglasses, the sun here is too glaring, without sunglasses is a torture. Mu Yuan is very satisfied, she seems to be in a good mood today, and she is willing to speak.

He took a break and took a mobile phone to check the Internet. A big man was alone and took a girl to travel long distances. The results were all unacceptable suggestions.

The gentleman Xiaomu’s ears are red.

"The world is getting better and the world is going down."

It’s too dirty.

As soon as I heard the lonely road, I started a lot of suggestions.

"A good meal at night."

Mu Yuan said that he was a rough man. He grew up in a military camp and had few experiences with a little girl like a porcelain doll. But he was born into a family with strict tutoring. It is a man who is upright and soft-hearted, and who is well-educated. After reminding him at night, he will go to a restaurant at night and don't know her taste. He has a full table.

Facts have proved that the beginning of the night is not a cultivation of immortals. Today, I spit for a day. I didn’t eat anything at noon. I had a good appetite at night. I swept a half table at one time. Mu far silently recorded that she had moved a few chopsticks. Thinking about her diet, don't send it back to New York, the appearance of a malnutrition is terrible.

Before he stayed at the store, he bought some common medicines and put them on the car. Just in case, the mood at the beginning of the night was warming up, and occasionally he would say a few words to him. Mu Yuan thought that they would return to the wind so smoothly. In New York, at most, it is time to delay some time. Who knows that when I sleep in the middle of the night, I am awakened by the phone, and the Miss Monitoring Center calls.

The people of Bruce and the mercenary team caught up. I didn't know how to know where they were. After that, Mu Yuan's back was cold. The squid got up from the bed and checked the distance between Bruce and the mercenaries. Fortunately, they tracked them. The whereabouts seem to take a little while, they are hundreds of kilometers from the hotel.

Mu Yuan took most of the night to drive at night and find a hotel to rest at night. After all, this is the ancestor of the night court. If it is his men, if you are a man or a woman, you can drive in two days. New York.

He didn't drive for eight hours today. Bruce must have caught up with it. They slept, and when the day dawned, Bruce's people could almost catch up.

(End of this chapter)

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