Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1775: I can't afford to lose this person.

Chapter 1775 can't afford to lose this person.

"Her her passport was lost..." He said that he did not believe it, the police can believe?

The police must be unbelievable, and the two were invited to the nearby police station. No matter whether Mu Yuan just smiled so well.jpg, the police officers regarded him as a human trafficking, and Mu Yuan’s eyes narrowed. With his nose, he was first regarded as a bad person. He said at the beginning of the night, "Someone is abducting me, not him. He saved me."

Mu Yuan twisted and went, looking incredulously at the beginning of the night.

After the shadow! ! !

At the beginning of the night, a tragic story was written. She said that she was a tourist-departed woman. She lost her passport and was trafficked. She happened to meet Mu Yuan. He saved her and sent her home. There is nothing wrong with the story itself. When Mu Yuan saw a fingerprint machine, it was black and finished. The US imperial policy is quite perfect. Since it is an entry, it is necessary to record fingerprints when there is a passport. This is a checkpoint that can check fingerprints and their equipment is too perfect.

This can't be blamed at the beginning of the night, to blame, but also to blame the night court, he certainly did not take the early night to record fingerprints! ! !

At the beginning of the night, I was stunned and pulled my fingers to check my fingerprints. I looked at Mu Yuan with help, Mu Yuanfu, sister, we were finished.

Sure enough, there was no fingerprint at the beginning of the night, and the story just became a lie. The landscape door regarded them as male and female, and detained Mu Yuan’s phone.

Mu Yuan’s passport is no problem. Everything is recorded. It’s normal. There is a problem at the beginning of the night. But in this case, even if there is no problem, it becomes a problem. Three consecutive people come in for interrogation.

The strong sunshine light hit his face, and his eyes were a little bit open. At the beginning of the night, he used his actions to prove that his luck was not good. He couldn’t help it at the beginning of the night. The two were put on handcuffs.

He was the first police car to enter the US emperor. I felt that this time I was thrown away to the international community. I called the night to ask for help. The night tomb would never let the official go out. This is also unclear. Moreover, no one can explain the origins of the early night, and this crime must be established.

Mu Yuan once again smashed the night court and then applied with the policewoman, "Can I make a call?"

He looks tidy, people are tall, spirited, handsome, and temperament is quite decent. It is not like a prisoner. It is so pleasing and easy to confuse the policewoman and get his own mobile phone.

People are all under the eaves, they can't run, and they close their eyes and rest at the beginning of the night.

Mu Yuan thought, your heart is really big!

The situation in the night court was a bit depressed, so the unfortunate things that made them meet? He did not know how many checkpoints he had in and out of the car, and he was not stopped once.

Mu Yuan simmered in the pot. "Your ancestors have bad luck. They know that they don't have a passport or resistance. They are straightforward and straightforward. You should either pay for us or wait for Bruce to catch up."

He looks at you as a grandfather, anyway, not his little ancestor, he is not in a hurry.

This situation is actually very tricky. It is not a matter of spending money. The night court is a businessman. If the relationship is easy to use in China, the official relationship here is not very convenient. It is not easy to find this time. People, and will also experience layered relationships, three days may be, a few hours certainly not, illegal immigration is not a trivial matter, need a high-powered person to fool the past.

"Or, do you call Major Anderson?"


The next update is eight.

Yesterday I updated two small theaters. I think everyone is calling her little theater. Today, I update a non-ink and warm one. Mu Yuan and Jack are funny little theaters.

The girls are going to the group to see the small theater and go to verify. Ann knows the genuine verification group, group chat number: 516611617

Then, after everyone joins the team, there are two basic tasks that can be done, and you can also receive support. Oh, thank you for your support, except for the small theater, you can’t report it, oh! !

(End of this chapter)

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