Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1781: Little apple **** repair knife

Chapter 1781 Little Apple God Makes a Knife

Mu Yuan holds the phone, and he has just broken his courage. He just wants to put down his mobile phone. A familiar number jumps on the screen of the mobile phone, and Jack hits it. Mu Yuan was nervous, and he opened his mobile phone. He almost fell off his hand and his breath was light.

"Mu Yuan Major!" The cold voice came from the microphone, and Mu Yuan’s heart trembled, Master Mu Yuan? How long did he not hear Jack officially call him so much.

Vaguely remembering the last official name, it was at an international conference that someone introduced them. The man politely reached out and called him a major, and he held his hand in the eyes. Hooked.

On their official occasion, their subordinates were there, and he rarely called him Major. His fingertips trembled a little, almost unable to hold the phone, the steering wheel turned, the high speed from the emergency lane, one foot on the brakes, surrounded by a large ranch, so quiet that he could only hear his heartbeat.

Looking at him curiously at night, Mu Yuan’s throat slipped slightly. The cold name was like a cup of ice water in the morning rolling into the throat, all the way to the internal organs, cold and thorough.

"How do you know it was me?"

Jack said, "Where are you, stop now and send a position."

"Isn't it the location of the investigation?" Mu Yuan is like nothing. "Those people are not killed by me. Someone is going to kill us in the middle. I will escape with the night. If I don't escape, I will die."

"I will let you send a position. You are in the United States, with a little girl, can run a group of mercenaries??" His voice was restrained and forbearing, with anger.

Mu Yuan laughed at himself. "You don't want to see me?"

"I won't see you, there will be people dealing with it." Jack whispered, "The grievance between me and you is our business. This group of mercenaries killed our police, and this matter is under my control." ”

Mu Yuan silent for a moment, "The murderer's arm is a blue dragon tattoo, all in the right arm. I guess it should be Bruce who hired a mercenary team to catch the early night. This is the only clue I can give you."

A technician next to Jack is about to locate the whereabouts of Mu Yuan, but Mu Yuan and Jack are very clear that they can only locate an approximate range. Even if Mu Yuan is not stable, he is upset, he and Jack are both Know how many seconds a phone needs to be called to locate a person.

He will hang up in advance.

"Mu Yuan Major, you have an accident in our country, it is so difficult to call for a call for help. Is it too late to come to the ground for you?"

Mu Yuan gritted his teeth and hung up the phone. Yes, it’s a shame. It’s more shameful than playing it himself. He didn’t hate himself so much, he obviously wanted to fight, but he never had the courage. He is like a watch with a heart to seduce a man, still holding a half-faced face, waiting for someone to pick up his clothes, and he started three miles and nine fierce arches.

Mu Yuan, you are too shameless!

At the beginning of the night, he handed a piece of paper silently and looked at him with concern. Mu Yuan was almost happy. This little ancestor was served for a few days. He finally found the conscience and knew how to care for him.

"What?" Mu Yuan asked.

I haven't waited for him yet. I added a knife at the beginning of the night. "I think you want to cry, give you a piece of paper."

Mu Yuan, "..."


The next update is 8 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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