Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1787: Isn’t **** right?

Chapter 1787, is gender wrong?

I didn't answer at the beginning of the night, hung up the phone, and threw it to Mu Yuan. I was covered with bloodshot eyes and just scored a goal. Mu Yuan excitedly clashed with her. At the beginning of the night, I picked up the bottle and made a toast. I am bored.

Mu Yuan watched the ball with one heart. One did not pay attention. At the beginning of the night, he had already drunk seven or eight bottles of beer. When he returned to God, he was drunk on the table at the beginning of the night. Mu Yuan patted her face.

"I don't drink alcohol, what wine do you drink?"


Four dark guards are resting in the car. Fortunately, it is a big car, lying down and sleeping, and borrowing a quilt from the hotel, it is barely able to pass. At this time, they are eating rice and fighting in the landlord to see Mu Yuanbei. I came back at the beginning of the night. At the beginning of the night, it was small, very well-behaved, and closed his eyes. He grabbed Mu Yuan’s hair with both hands and left Mu Yuan to have a little long hair to catch a very cocky head.

"What happened to the young lady at the beginning of the night?"

The dark guards couldn’t stand their own gossip and how to fall asleep.

"Drunk." Mu Yuan said with a sigh of relief, feeling that his hair had been smashed several times, and the guards wowed, and looked at Mu Yuan’s back to the building at night and looked at each other.

Lonely man and woman, in the same room, dry fire, ah! ! !

They were still drunk at the beginning of the night.

It’s awkward, terrible! !

Mu Yuan has not yet reached the door, and the mobile phone is madly ringing. He has no control. He entered the house and threw the night into the bed. He took off her shoes. Fortunately, there was no makeup at the beginning of the night. Just give her a pull and let her She is sleeping.

The cell phone rang with a sigh of relief, and it was the night court. Mu Yuan took the call. "I said, you..."

"Drunk at the beginning of the night? Who let her drink?"

"It's not really a minor. What's wrong with drinking some wine? I don't think it's hurtful to drink some wine in her state." Mu Yuan did not say that he had forgotten to control her drink.

"You...who asked you to book a room today?" Lonely man and woman, still drunk, his little night at the beginning of his heart, lying next to another man"? It is a man who can't bear it.

"I have booked in advance, and it is not bad to book a room. Otherwise, your little ancestors will sleep on the street. If you have the skills, you will let your comfort come in. Use a gun to point people to threaten more than one room. ”

The idea has been provided, optimistic about his execution.

In the evening, I took a deep breath and silently. Mu Yuan had a feeling of being crazy. "You are crazy, think about it?"

Mu Yuan thought for a moment and suddenly blew it up. "Hey, night court, you are so arrogant, what do you think of me, what will I do to your little ancestors? You are not moral, so I will give You have been a bodyguard for such a day, I will do something to her, I will not have such a beast. I like the long legs with white skin and beautiful appearance, without you being so heavy."

In fact, the night court did not consider what Mu Yuan would do at the beginning of the night, but Mu Yuan said that he was also an adult man. At the beginning of the night, he was also an adult woman. He was in the same room, and he was still drunk. As soon as he thought of the delicate appearance after drunk at the beginning of the night, he looked at it all the time.

"she was……"

"No, oh, night court, you and the boy were not male and female friends at the beginning of the night. You control whether she and she are sleeping in the same room." Mu Yuan gave him a knife. "You have not chased." On, people are not when you are a boyfriend, are you worried about this early, parents, good night, you are embarrassed."

Very simple to hang up the phone.

Mu far cold, even worried that his beasts at the beginning of the night, please, gender is not right?


I will update it again.

(End of this chapter)

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