Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1794: Night court, do you like me?

Chapter 1794, Night Court, do you like me?

The night court 昀 carefully disinfected the night, there was a big scratch on her arm, and there was no stitching. These days, it was a windy meal, it was hot, and the wound was very slow. He carefully disinfected her. She was afraid of hurting her. At the beginning of the night, she was in a complicated mood. She remembered the moment when she overturned the car. His natural reaction, although she had not read any books, and had no culture, she also knew that people were the most real reaction in life and death.

At the moment of life and death, no matter how rich or poor, beautiful and ugly, high and low, everyone is equal, life is only once, but he chooses to protect her. At night, if she is not in the hotel, she suddenly remembers something and wants to find herself. The memory, is she and Bruce back to the sea, never seeing again, the heart is not reconciled, will precipitate for a lifetime.

"What's wrong?" asked the night court.

She has been watching him, her eyes are inconspicuous, her eyes are erratic, she seems to be thinking, and she seems to be remembering, and she changed a little at night. People say that they miss the bones, and they don’t see each other in three days. She and he seem to have been separated from each other for a few years, and he was unprepared to be forced to accept the fact that he was an adult at night.

She became...not the same.

There is no change in the face, but the experience is crazy in the eyes.

At the beginning of the night, "when you have a car accident, what are you thinking when you rush to protect me?"

"I didn't think about anything." The night court answered her honestly. He could answer her with some very beautiful, very greasy words. Sisters, not all routines, but he is very clear that the routine is not used at the beginning of the night. He didn't want to use such beautiful words to fool her. "At that moment, I didn't think about anything, but when I touched you, I was very happy."

At that moment, too late to think about anything, the body made the most instinctive reaction.

He poisoned her, took the medicine, wrapped it layer by layer, and closed her eyes at the beginning of the night. Her eyelashes were long and thick, and the shadows that fell made the lines of the face particularly deep.

"Do you like Emma?"


"I said Emma at the age of eight."

Night court, ""

He likes Emma that year. It is undeniable. If you don't like it, where does miss come from, how can he look for it? She rarely asks Emma about what happened. What happened?

"Do you like me?"

The night court suddenly looked up, and the medicine in his hand almost knocked over, and the fingertips trembled constantly. This is really a proposition. The eyes at the beginning of the night are black and bright. She has a very special eye. The black eye is more common than the ordinary person. There are many eyes, less white eyes, and eyes big enough, like a pair of black eyes in a comic, and now in his eyes, one eye gradually turns blue.

One black and one blue, one pair of different.

"At the beginning of the night, you..." He looked at her dismay in shock. He knew nothing at the beginning of the night and was very calm. "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"If you don't answer, then." She opened his hand and made a temper. This little temper came suddenly, but he was so familiar that he was so sad. He didn't like the beginning of the night without sadness and joy. It seems that life has experienced countless births. And death, in her heart pokes a lot of holes.

He hopes that when he first came to miss at the beginning of the night, he will be so lively, splendid, toss everywhere, warm and splendid.

"At the beginning of the night, if one day, you know what you like, you know my answer."


Silent, silent.


(End of this chapter)

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