Chapter 1798

Alice helped the glasses. "Sorry, this is what you see."

"Wow!" Mu Yuan clap his hands, "The big show!"

The two seem to have been in each other for many years, and Alice did not look at her eyes gracefully. Mu Yuan said, "We are simple at night, and you are not purely in contact with her, so as not to bring her innocent disaster. ”

I saw them at the beginning of the night, and when I said something, I wanted to pick it up. Some of my headaches screamed at my eyebrows. Alice gave up and Mu Mu, and didn’t want her to be embarrassed. "I will ask you about it, okay?"

"it is good."

Alice looked at a group of people behind her, and she was afraid of any unpleasant remarks. She passed to her grandfather's ear and nodded slightly to leave, and continued to patrol the mall. Mu Yuan looked at her back and said faintly, "Are you far from her?"


"She is close to you, she must be unwilling." Mu Yuan is a good man, never telling people bad things and secrets behind, this time a little abnormal. "She is a spy."

I didn’t know what the spy was at the beginning of the night. I can hear what it means. “You think more.”

"Hey, don't believe you ask the night court."

"She may be my sister."

Mu Yuan, "..."

Until the top of the miss, Mu Yuan could not take back his surprise, and kept a look of arrogance and looked at the night court. He went to the night court to tell the story, and he dreamed of waking up. This must be a misunderstanding. There was no similarity between Alice at the beginning of the night. Where can I see that it was a sister? This must be a misunderstanding.

Mu Yuan and Alice are counted each time, but they have known each other for a few years. Every time because of Jack, she is the most trusted commercial spy of Jack. She has made great contributions to Jack. Many international cases have Alice's credit was completely erased by Jack, so her identity is very mysterious and special, and very few people know.

He and Alice have had several unpleasant experiences, so the friendship is very shallow and can be said to be evil. Mu Yuan thought that this time Alice and the Miss Building business had a purpose, and had long warned the overnight court, never thought that there was such a glimpse.

"Tang Enjia is a big dyeing tank." Mu Yuan said, the heart is awkward, these old European aristocrats always hide a lot of secrets of not seeing the sun, "not a good place."

"I know." The night court knows very well about the Tang En family. No matter how dark, ominous, and not seeing the sun, it is also the place where she was born, the source of her life.

Mu Yuan did not understand all of a bunch of things, but it was also a matter of mundane affair. He was too lazy to take charge of the lawsuit in the night court. Alice’s things were in his heart.

"I still can't help but talk a little bit. The people of Tang's family are ignorant. They are famous in the circle. They sell their relatives and friends. They don't do much. Alice's style is OK, and the people in Tang's family are still in the bones. She came to miss and cooperate with you. In the end, it is directed at the beginning of the night, or obeying others to do something, I don’t know, you still have a good hand."

The night court squatted and smiled. "How much do you like Alice in the end? Why don't you just say Jack Anderson directly?"

"Roll!" Mu Yuan fried hair, "too lazy to control you."

Mu Yuan returned to China. At the beginning of the night, there were some small reluctances. After all, there were revolutionary feelings all the way back. Mu Yuan was very chic, claiming to come to New York to play with her next time.

(End of this chapter)

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