Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1810: I burned you to death.

Chapter 1810, I burned you to death.

A chill came out of her heart. When she was in the middle of the winter, her heart was frozen. She never thought about the life of Alice. She gave her ten courage. She didn’t dare. She always respected Ellie. Silk, also pleased Alice hopes to get her like, and loves her sister.

She even thought about it in her heart. The identity of this life is not exposed. How good is it. Such a good sister is her sister. She will spend the rest of her life with her sister and will love her sister for a lifetime.

"Is it difficult to make a plan for many years, you have to give up, do you lose money?" Betty asked, hate the iron and looked at her. "If it wasn't for you that stopped me, Miss, who had a life to escape, their mother and daughter. They all died in the sea of ​​fire, and the heart was soft. When you were soft, I became your life knife now."

Emma shook her head, thinking of the dark and cold eyes at the beginning of the night. When she and the first night, she loved each other like a sister. She thought it would be a lifetime of feelings. Who knows that such a change will happen.

She was hiding in the dark, watching Betty hit the fire at the beginning of the night. She stopped her, prevented her from doing evil, stopped her from continuing to commit crimes, and waited for the night.

If not, the night before the night came to death.

Impostering is not what she wants. In those days, she was just a child. Everything was pushed away. Every step of the battle was trembled. I was afraid that I would step into the abyss when I stepped on the wrong foot.

She repeatedly wanted to confess with Alice, but she fled weakly. She dared not tell the truth. The drunken fans of Dunn’s family also blinded her. She prayed that her lady lived peacefully and happily in the distance while plundering. The life that does not belong to her, occupying the lives of others.

Now, Betty wants to kill her sister?

How dare she?

"Don's family, except Alice who cares no one is the real Emma, ​​the old man likes you, this is your chip, as long as Alice is gone..."

"Don't!" Emma shook her head in a panic. "What happened to my sister, you want to kill her, even if we exposed it, these eleven years..."

"You are stupid, you think the exposure is even, when the lady died, do not need to pay for it? Do you think she will let me go, let you go?" Betty screamed, "stupid!"

The two were not happy, Betty did not get the money, Emma also firmly expressed what he meant, and would never hurt Alice. Because of a series of things, her mental stress is particularly large, and her work is frequently mistaken.

Because of her relationship with the night court, honey is not good to say anything, she can only give her some simple work, not let her contact too much work, the night court picks up the first-hand information of the spy, knows them Talk.

He didn't expect that Betty's heart was so big, and he wanted to kill Alice. Emma's reaction was unexpected. "Go and talk to Alice and let her pay more attention."


Alice was the only sister at the beginning of the night, and now she can't touch the attitude at the beginning of the night, but he can't let Alice have an accident. At the beginning of the night, Betty was going to want Alice’s life, almost blown up. "She dares."

"She doesn't dare." Emma is still small, no such guts. He is very curious about the two great men of the Tang En family. Especially the old man, the night court is trying to take the night to Paris, looking for the year. Things.

At the beginning of the night, when I was on the phone, I went downstairs to find Emma. Emma was planning to get off work. I took a vacation in the afternoon and walked over at the beginning of the night. She took her arm and put her on the wall.

"You dare to move my sister a hair, I burned you!"

(End of this chapter)

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