Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1815: You are Xiaofuxing 2

Chapter 1815 You are Xiaofuxing 2

Mother, sister, righteous father, Xiaoliu, and the night court have all had an accident. They have returned to a life and said that their lives are not long-lasting. The people around her have suffered misfortune.

"Nonsense!" The night court scorned, most afraid that she had such a thought, "You are Xiaofuxing."

Xiao Fuxing did not believe his words at all, his mood was very low, and the night court was very comforting. Seeing that he was always hitting the wall on the way to comforting the beginning of the night, he did not know that he was playing the wrong way, or did not catch the point at the beginning of the night. This made him very anxious. I glanced at him at the beginning of the night and smiled. "Oh, don't yell at me. I know that you deliberately let the doctor say it."

Night court, "..."

He turned his head and glanced at Xiaoju with a glance. This dragged his legs and mouths and wentssip. Is it necessary to consider lowering the salary? Xiao Ju was seen by him as a cold back, very wronged, what did she do wrong?

When the plane arrived in Paris, they also took the helicopter past the scene. It was indeed the helicopters that were closer. Coincidentally, when they arrived at the scene, the search and rescue team found the wreckage and found a body.

The captain died on the spot, the cliff was relatively large, and the search and rescue place was relatively wide. Both Tang Enjia and Jack had adjusted the police force and found a body one night. The wreckage of the plane was terrible.

I haven't found bodyguards and Alice yet.

On the scene, there were some onlookers and family members. Police officers and several big cars built a temporary podium. Jack was leaning on the side to see a report. The dress was very casual, T-shirt jeans, a neat short hair was The fog in the morning was wet, and it stood out among the loose forests and a group of police officers.

There was a cigarette in his mouth, and his eyebrows became a Sichuan word. The night court came with a night. He looked at the little girl, took the smoke and threw it on the ground, and stepped on the cigarette butt.

"I haven't found anyone yet."

This is the last time Mu Yuan was escorted back all the way, and the same girl who lived in the same house?

"What happened?" asked the night court.

Looking up at the beginning of the night, looking at the tall man in front of him, he looked very powerful and authoritative. The people around him listened to his command, but he looked at her eyes and seemed not very friendly.

Jack said, "Technical personnel are testing the wreckage of the aircraft and detecting the cause of the incident. My people are also searching for help, and there will be news at the latest evening."

This is a canyon and a river. It is difficult to search and rescue. It has been a day and a night. Search and rescue is inconvenient. It is not in your own country. Many formal problems are not handled well, and it is very troublesome. There are always local police. interference.

He looked at the policeman in the face with a blank expression. The old man and a middle-aged man stood next to them. "The old grandfather and the lord of the Tang family."

I saw it at the beginning of the night. It happened that Dunn looked over. He was fifty years old. He was very well-maintained. His face was handsome and mature. He was very stylish. He was dressed in a British style, his suit was very clean, his shoes were spotless, and his hair was fixed with wax. There was a bit of rigor and awe-inspiring, and at the beginning of the night, he consciously avoided his gaze and nervously grasped the hand of the night court.

The night court was slightly sideways, blocking Tang En’s gaze. He did not know whether Alice had any explanations with the Tang’s family.

"Don't be afraid, there is me."

An agent rushed in, bowing his head and saying something at Jack's ear. Jack strode away, and the voice was still a bit chilly. "Where?"

(End of this chapter)

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