Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1823: She is really weird

Chapter 1823, she is really weird.

"Don't dare to be!" Mr. Dunn has never seen such a shameless operation. Pi Xiao said with a smile. "The little girl was eight years old and knew nothing about her feelings. Second, she was afraid of misunderstanding. If there is any promise, it is also The rumors between the children and children can’t be done, and our Tang family can’t climb your night house.”

It’s halfway to recognize the pro, and it’s a confession of the porcelain. Jack thinks that this dog food has not considered the feeling of a single dog. When I was rejected, I didn’t have any emotions at all. Instead, I laughed. “Nothing, I’m going to climb, I want people, I can’t escape.”

Hehehe at the beginning of the night.

In the evening, the scalp was numb, and the appearance of the scum of the Sven was twisted, and immediately said, "That would not bother."

Dunn glanced at the beginning of the night and called Emma after he left the hospital. He never got through. "Dad, can you make a phone call to Emma? Alice has such a big thing, but she has disappeared." , not a system."

"Children grow up, it is difficult to discipline, maybe they are going to play with friends. In a few days, there is news. Where can she go so big, you don't worry, Alice is fine."

The old man leaned back tiredly. Mr. Dunn didn’t say much. The driver drove home. He didn’t expect to go home. Emma was at home, and he was packing up. He looked a little awkward. The maid said that the old man and the gentleman came back, Emma. I hurriedly stuffed the suitcase into the cupboard. She arranged her appearance and quickly went downstairs. "How about Grandpa, Dad, and sister?"

"Emma, ​​you are going home, I am calling, why are you not picking up?"

"The phone was stolen." Emma said hurriedly. "I haven't had time to tell my grandfather before I change a cell phone."

She hurried to help the father to sit down, I heard that Alice was fine, she was very happy, and thought about this matter and her mother must not be in a relationship, she simply did not die.

"When can my sister wake up?"

When the lady came back, her identity could not be hidden. Sooner or later she was going to leave. If her sister woke up, she would not have the chance to escape. She wanted to take them all at the hospital and pack the bags and leave. I didn’t expect They are back early.

Emma was flustered for a moment and didn't hear what Mr. Dunn was saying. When he returned to God, he found out that they were talking about the night and the night, and Emma screamed.

She panicked her hands.

"Emma, ​​you and the night court have already known each other?" asked Mr. Dunn.

"Yes, I used to know." Emma said nervously. "But I don't know who he is. I only remembered this time."

"You are not dating, why do he still have a girlfriend, he is pedaling two boats?"

Emma didn't dare to tell the truth. She was really anxious. She told the family that she had a date with the night court. Fortunately, she didn't say a boyfriend or a girl. "I don't know what happened, he..."

She lowered her head and wept, and Mr. Dunn was anxious. "There is no reason."

"Well, what are you crying, there are more men in the world. He is not your only choice. People at night are less tempted." Father said, looked at Emma, ​​" take a shower, take a rest, you His face is very embarrassing."

"Yes, Grandpa." Father loved her very much. Emma could also feel it. She was afraid to say that she was wrong. She went upstairs and hid in the stairs to listen to them. Mr. Dunn had a lot of troubles.

"Dad, what is the meaning of the night court? I always feel that there is something in his words, and Alice, she is holding us a lot of things."

The rain was coming from the wind, and the old man calmed his face. "You didn't find the girl around him... is it strange?"

"Dad, she... is really weird."


Thank you for the help of the little fairies! !

(End of this chapter)

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