Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1837: Point to the face, do it yourself

Chapter 1837, point to face, do personally

"Her father has passed away."

Alice’s heart is also suspected for many years, but she didn’t say it. If she didn’t doubt them, she had already exposed the matter of Emma. Why should I wait until today?

I want to go back to New York at night.

She doesn't like Paris.

Before going back, the night court took her to the cemetery to worship the night wen, the night voice of the smile, always staying young, she is a beautiful and passionate woman, always with a smile in her eyes. It is crisp and soft.

The face in the memory at the beginning of the night coincides with the portrait on the tombstone. Her eyes are slightly red, and a bunch of flowers are placed in front of her tombstone. "Mom..."

The night court said, "Your mother will be happy to see that you are living freely now."

He thought that the biggest hope of Night Wen is to get free at the beginning of the night.

"I know."

From the cemetery, I met Dunn. He took a bunch of white roses. Today there is light rain in Paris. He holds a black umbrella. The thick black long coat has some water stains. The white roses in his hand are getting more and more Being glaring.

"I have something to say to him alone."

The night court walked away and left the umbrella to the beginning of the night. Tang En came over. It was supposed to be a father and a daughter, but he was very unfamiliar. They seemed to have nothing to say. In the end, Dunn broke the silence.

"How can I be mad and not killing my wife and women?" Tang En whispered, "I don't know who told you, that fire, I am more heartbroken than you, and I have lost my favorite person." ”

"You abuse her." said at the beginning of the night.

\'"what did you say?"

"You abused my mother, I heard it." I looked at her coldly at the beginning of the night. "She has scars on her body. You are a gentleman in front of an outsider. It is a demon in front of her. You are dissatisfied with her reputation and dissatisfaction. Her style of work, so you control her, if she does not obey, you will beat her, and domesticate her, you treat her as a beast that is difficult to domesticate, my mother has a scarf all year round, the summer is also With a scarves, since she married you, every photo of her, not a scarf or a scarves, because she wants to block the scars that are pulled out by you, you are a sadist."

Did not say a word at the beginning of the night, Dunn's face was ugly.

The gloomy, gloomy weather in the cemetery, the falling rain, is like a scene in a horror movie. He looked at him fearlessly at the beginning of the night. "The damage you do to your mother is even heavier than that fire. Hiding to the little castle is the only source of happiness for you. You deceive me. If she dares to tell these things to her grandfather, you will let me stay in the castle for a lifetime. You still lie to her. After a few years, you will pick me up. Come back, so my mother bears the burden and bears your abuse. I was so young. Do you know how hard I am listening? Perhaps I am also a sadistic daughter, so now I have a knife, I am already on you."

Dunn took a step back and smiled a little nervous at the beginning of the night. "Don't be afraid, I don't want to kill, I don't want to get blood, I didn't even tell my sister, because for me, you are an enemy. For her, you are a father. I don't want to break her expectations of you. I believe that the fire was not released by you. You didn't think about killing your mother and killing me, but you have already killed your mother. This is what you call a loved one. Then, your love can't afford it. If you hold a bunch of white roses on the grave, you dare to say that you love her, point your face, and be a personal one!"


Today, our family has entered the thief, it is terrible, we just dealt with it, the update is late, I am sorry, it is simply unfinished! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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