Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1839: Absolute sadism

Chapter 1839, the sadistic sadism

At the beginning of the night, I couldn’t go back to New York immediately. I didn’t fail very much. The reaction was very cold. I seemed to be willing to stay in Paris. Jack left the night and handed the case to the night court. Emma and Betty were held in a more secret place, Dunn proposed to see Betty, Alice allowed, and took people to the Dunn family.

At the beginning of the night, it was the first time to go to the Tang En family. It was also the first time to meet with Betty. It was not the last encounter in the town. Betty saw the fear at the beginning of the night and his legs were shaking.

Asked at the beginning of the night, "Is so scary?"

The night court 深 filter is deep, "You are the most lovely person in the world."

He is the mirror of the beginning of the night.

Dunn’s feelings at the beginning of the night were too complicated. At the beginning of the night, he was pierced by his heart. Yes, he was a sadist. He was particularly sick when he was young. He really loves the night, but he doesn’t love it. he.

Tang Enjia and the European night house are regarded as the world's best. When Wen Wen is still a child, Dunn likes Zhong Wen very much. From she is a child to a slim girl, she is Tang En's most beautiful dream.

He likes to be subtle and gentleman, but he does not bother to disturb, pursue, and think that the two families will marry sooner or later, they will get married, so they have been waiting for the night to grow up, waiting to wait for the night Wen fell in love. other people. This incident has dealt a great blow to him. The feelings of the night of the sin of the night are warm and unrestrained. For love and the family almost broke, after her first love, she married him.

The sadistic attribute in his bones has been suppressed very well. At the beginning of the marriage, he also patiently listened to the night Wen, trying to impress the night Wen. They have been very happy for a while, and Wen Wen has gradually abandoned the past and is willing to cooperate with him. Lived with sincerity and even gave him the illusion that she has fallen in love with him. She converges on her own nature, safely as the grandmother of the Tang En family, until the night Wen knows her first love, the whole thing is that he is planning, after the implementation of the European night family, everything will change.

All happiness and happiness are like bubbles. When they are touched, they are broken. Quarrels and hatred are like catalysts, catalyzing the terrible demons in their hearts.

He is a full-fledged sadism. Before he knows that Ye Wen loves others, he is ill. He has been taking medicine, watching the psychiatrist under control. Later, after the two fell out, his abuse and desire to control Intensified.

He abused the night man and controlled the night wenwen. Only when he abused her and controlled her, he could feel a little happiness, a little human emotion, to feel that this woman belongs to her.

He is also very contradictory and very tormented. He tortures and abuses the night wen and repents. Like the split of personality, the night is not a good temper. The two have been tormenting each other until the one. Fire, burning his desire, his desire for control, his abuse of abuse, although he is an irresistible sadism, truly abused, except for a woman who does not remember the surname himself. Only Wenwen, after the death of Ye Wen, he saw the psychologist for eight years and made countless treatments. He finally reduced his symptoms and almost recovered to the normal level, but was taken by the night. The words woke up the dark and secret memory of the original.

He thought that this thing was unknown to the old man, and he was afraid to be known by Alice. Now, the feelings at the beginning of the night are more complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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