Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1842: Big sister big belly black

Chapter 1842 Big Sister Big Black

"Sister..." Emma saw Alice, and she shed tears. She was beautiful when she was a child at the beginning of the night. She had a good appearance. She had a seven-eight-eight-point image. After she grew up, she did not have long-term disability. She was still beautiful.

Every time Alice sees her, she always thinks that if she didn't suffer this kind of suffering at the beginning of the night, she should have a face similar to her.

Once again, the sisters met face to face again, but there was no much communication. Alice was very disappointed with her. "When you were young, you were forced to participate in this conspiracy. I don't blame you, but you are hiding all the way. Emma, ​​you are not. Bad, but there is Betty's blood in the bones, and I am greedy for this glory that is not yours. If not, you will not be like this."

Emma chuckles, "Sister, you really stand and talk without hurting. If it is you, don't you be tempted? You are born to be the big lady of the Tang En family. Nothing is missing, some people hurt, some people love, have the best resources, I can go to the best school, I can make a good friend, the future is smooth, my life is full of wealth. What about me? What do I have? I am born to be more despicable than you, my father is a gambler, my mother is a drunkard, he gambles Now, even if I play, I didn't have a good place when I was a child. Every time I went to sleep, I secretly swear, I have to study hard and leave the ghost place in the future. One day, he died, and the day is celebrated, Mommy finally Take me out of the ghost place and come to the little castle. I first enjoyed the fine snacks, the first time I touched the piano, the first time I wore beautiful clothes, it was so unfair to God, some people were born. Everything is there, some people are deep in the swamp. I can't have it because of these things. I also want to make a face-lift. I also want to make a difference. I also want to have a good future. You never stood in the abyss. How do you know my grievances and what?"

Alice thought, until today, she can still say this in such a grandiose manner, and she does not know how to repent.

She had a lot of words and wanted to tell her that she wanted her to forget the past and live well in the future. She wanted to give her one or two words of advice and see her in the eleven years.

It seems unnecessary now.

Alice helped the glasses. "You can't choose to be born, but you have the right to choose what kind of person to be."

Emma stood on the second floor, watching Alice and bodyguards rise up in the dust, and she said that from now on, I am afraid that she will never see the Tang family again. From now on, she was beaten again. The original shape.

This is not fair!

Why did you get so many when you were born at night, and the care of the night court?

Alice took a trip around the city and found a decoration company. Alice wanted to renovate the old house, demolished Emma's room and transformed it into a study. The Tang En family has not been refurbished for many years. With this opportunity, the main castle was also to be refurbished. Alice personally found the decoration team, beckoning what a special agent called, bowed his head and said a few words, he nodded and turned away.

The decoration materials, she prepared a copy, handed over to the old man and Tang En, after getting their permission, this began to work, the Tang En family's owners have moved to the side of the small villa, waiting for the castle to be renovated.

When Alice refurbished the castle, she secretly moved her hands on the walls of Dunn and the old lady's room. From then on, the entire Dunn family would have no secret in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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