Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1844: Daughter wants college entrance examination

Chapter 1844 Daughter wants a college entrance examination

The night court is struggling for a long time. At the beginning of the night, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. I am going to college. You are ready to pay for tuition. I finally agreed to go to school, but I have to study in a school. New York is a university, and no other continent can do it.

Xiaoju began to enthusiastically give birth to the school at night. The school started studying film at night. Cornell University, New York University and Columbia University are all ideal schools in the city center. The global ranking is not low. At the beginning of the night, she was crossed out. Xiaoju remembered that Emma was also a college student, and she silently crossed out the university.

Wei Lin began to poison the tongue. "Are you too high to see the young lady at the beginning of the night? Actually, choose an art academy, or spend money to send it in, let the second donate a sum of money to occupy a quota and get it, but also pick?" ”

"you shut up!"

Innocently asked at the beginning of the night, "The university is not teaching people to learn, just go, do you want to take the exam?"

Not going to which university to go to which university?

Xiaoju, "...00"

Wei Lin, "Oh!"

He still wants to go to Harvard, do you go in?

Xiaoju scratched her scalp with a pen. "Oh, two less read a doctor at Stanford. If you have a relationship, you might be able to write a letter of recommendation, but you will not let you go to California. Harvard will definitely not write a letter of recommendation for you." Well, the suburbs of New York will not let you go, slip and go to just a few universities, we are going to take the exam, the exam is quite difficult."

At the beginning of the night, the results of film studies are generally the same. The face will not look very good. In the interview, Wei Lin and Xiao Ju look at each other, such a straightforward temper, meet the interviewer... This picture is a bit too beautiful, she still wants Find someone to train her questions about how she should meet the interviewer.

“Is the exam difficult?” At the beginning of the night, the old professor temporarily made up the class, and spent eight hours a day in class, taking up her spare time, leaving a lot of homework, and more than a month to go to the college admissions season. She should attend the special enrollment interview, and must temporarily add classes.

When the night court came back from work, she saw her sitting on a soft carpet and squatting on the table to do her homework. When she saw him, he looked at him innocently. The words at the beginning of the night were quite ugly and very scribbled. Fortunately, the exam is now. They all use computers. If they are handwritten, half of her roll will be deducted.

"It's not difficult." The night court changed a home service, sat next to her, gave him the test paper at the beginning of the night, and there were three sets of papers. Before the night, she had to do two sets. Complete a set of papers.

The night court looked at the scribbled face and gave her several typos. Her English spelling was really terrible. At the beginning of the night, she made another set of test papers and secretly aimed at the night court.

Every day he came back to tutor her homework, give her a test paper, focus on the key points, it has become the norm, miss top floor is open 22 degrees of air conditioning all year round, he is wearing a white thin section collar sweater, hair messed up, wash Going to a hair wax, loosely and softly on the forehead, lining his eyebrows too long, the eyelashes grow almost poked into the lens.

One day, she was very curious as to who had a little longer eyelashes. She had to compare her eyelashes with one eye, let one person pull out a pair of lengths, and the night court took a small ruler to let her measure. The ending is that his eyelashes are really better than She has lost a lot.

It is very pleasing to the eye, and at the beginning of the night, it is not so pleasing.

A pleasing man gives her test paper all the way to X.

(End of this chapter)

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