Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1884: No brother's pain

Chapter 1884 has no brother's pain

"You don't have to remind me how to do it." When the old lady was young, she was also an iron lady, and her heart was so hot that she had no soft hands.

The night court said, "The milk *** Sun has a son and grandson, you don't worry about it. If I am there, I will never let the two uncles and aunts starve to death."

The little girl painted a small chest and said to the beginning of the night, "Small two, you want to go where to play, I will take you to play, follow me to eat, drink spicy, I will take you to Disney waves!"

Night court, "..."

The child's painting thought that the second uncle took the small two to go home to see the parents not very smooth, the parents did not like her, the younger two will be a bit hit, who knows she is like a nobody.


The night court said, "Oh, go, go back to each family, you want to go play, I will take you, you are not convenient with children's paintings, he is a star, to play is a bunch of people chasing pictures, easy to accident, 咱Don't play with him."

When I returned to China at the beginning of the night, I saw a group of girls at the airport picking up the beans. It was very lively and vigorous. The night court gave her a popular science star. She was curious. "Nothing, I am going to play with children's paintings. You are busy with yourself." ,must be fun."

Night court, "..."

His return to the country at the beginning of the night is a holiday nature. She followed the children's paintings. What did he do as a bodyguard? I learned film studies at night, and I recently got the direction. In the future, I plan to be a female director. The children’s paintings are just actors. She is very excited to ask whether the children’s paintings have been filmed recently. She can go to visit or see one. Look at the domestic market and follow a little bit of learning.

The children's painting said, "It's a coincidence. I have a drama. These days are my vacation. If you want to go, I will sell it tomorrow."

Tong Xing plays TV dramas. There are not so many plays. Children's paintings are an accident. His fame is high. A large sum of money is coming over to play a man's childhood. It is too wasteful. Now the boy's childhood is not looking for him. Because it’s too expensive, I can’t afford it. Most of the TV dramas are some of the more important characters. Recently, I played a girl’s play with the ball and played the male and female children’s children. The drama is still very heavy, because the female host Injured, many of his plays were with the female host, and he followed the vacation.

Lin Xiaojuan asked him to pick up a little bit of dog blood drama, concentrate on film development, go to the big screen, high-end, but the children's paintings have their own minds. He took the drama to see the script himself. This script is also very solid, the actors are It’s from the class, and the production team is not bad. Now there are very few movies on the big screen dedicated to the children’s protagonist. If the big screen can’t produce two works in a year, what can’t keep up with the popularity.

Playing the dog blood drama, the hottest is the most easy to **** powder.

The most important...more money!

He is accumulating his acting time, so no matter what the play, he doesn't care, as long as he doesn't paste it.

Shen Qianshu said, "You always play the blood drama of the dog. In the future, it is also a blood drama of the dog. Be careful that your big screen dream is broken."

"Mummy, you are stupid, I will not vote for myself?" Children's paintings are also dreamers. After playing for so many years, when he grows up, he has accumulated a fund. He can invest himself. You don’t need an investor to hold yourself.

"Oh, there are dreams." Shen Qianshu said, "I don't want to invest in you anyway."

After all, you don't have a brother, you have to come back to inherit the family business.

(End of this chapter)

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