Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1922: Little brother is detained

Chapter 1922, Xiao Erge was detained

After listening to this secret, the night court was extremely shocked. Mu Yuan was also speechless about this matter. The country is already investigating this matter. His task is to bring the person’s card back. One person seems to have lost his life. Another person If he is missing, the other party will certainly send someone to destroy the mouth. He has to take the lead and find the person first. However, the place where life is unfamiliar and difficult to move, Mu Yuan rarely has a task here, there are some reasons left over from history. This time, if it is not the case, he will not come.

The technicians failed to unlock the numbers behind the military cards. The above numbers could not be unlocked after several passwords were unlocked. This is really frustrating. Mu Yuan sent the password back to China and let the night to see if there is any What is special, not necessarily what the password or something, handed over to a special person, may be able to have a better explanation.

Mu Yuan did not stay in the hotel for too long. At the beginning of the night, it seemed to be the first time to see such a long-term, not ridiculous, solemn and solemn, like changing a person, and dating with the sun and the moon, surrounded by seven or eight girls. Mu Yuan, who eats tofu, seems to be two people.

At the beginning of the night, everyone thought that there would be so many secrets, so many characters?

"What are you thinking about?" Mu Yuan slammed on her forehead and picked it up at night. "Don't move your hands!"

I looked at him with a smile at the beginning of the night. I don’t know what to say to him. I can only say, "You have to be careful, I am still waiting for you to take me to play."

"That must be." Mu Yuan laughed, no heavy things, his smile was much more. He took a ragged jeep and waved his hand and took away the information collected in the night.

The night court did not know what happened to the construction explosion. As the person in charge of the pharmaceutical company, he needed to be investigated by the police. As a true controlling person, he also had to be investigated. This is an inevitable situation.

When he heard that he was going to be detained for 24 hours on the first night of the night, he was very panicked. Xiaoju said, "Miss at the beginning of the night, don't worry, there will be nothing, just a routine inquiry."

When they first came here, they were prepared. When such a big thing happened, the company’s legal person was definitely subject to investigation. It was strange that they did not say that there was a lot of red ice in the field.

The night court is also very cooperative, directly saying that miss has acquired the pharmaceutical company, where the government tax rate is relatively low and the labor cost is low, so I want to develop some drugs here. Some anti-cancer drugs, or patents, special drugs for cancer treatment are more expensive, mainly because of the huge investment in the early stage, a project may invest billions, no way to develop successfully, if it is unprofitable No one is going to develop these drugs. Naturally, find a place where labor costs are relatively low and tax rates are better, and R&D costs are reduced.

This is a long line of good words, no flaws, the other side did not say red ice, he is also optimistic. The dead person is not a company employee. The end result of the police investigation was that the tramp stayed overnight in the building, inadvertently causing an explosion and casually closed the case.

Asked at the beginning of the night, "It's too ridiculous. Isn't this murder?"

How can I just close the case?

The night court was detained for 24 hours. After the routine investigation, it was released. It was unharmed. Wei Lin took the person back. The face of the night court was very ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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