Chapter 1931 died too much.

"This..." The three views of the people's soldiers have been refreshed. It's a good thing. What is this called, and the woman and the man who has been married have been swearing more than once, and finally faintly heard a keyword. It was covered by a woman.

More than an hour passed, and finally the clouds and rains stopped. The man urged the woman to hurry, the strength deducted and ruthlessly, the woman smiled and played with him for a while, and then he gasped.

The woman said, "What are you waiting for, simply... isn't there something that we can do without knowing what it is, and his property is ours."

"No, things are what the owner wants, don't move, are you hiding?"

"Do not worry, hide it, and ensure that no one can find it. You are too careful. I am not at ease in doing things."

"Tomorrow, the owner is not at home, taking the opportunity to take things away, so as not to be irritating. Hobbes, this **** often cooperates with the military. If you sell them, it is dangerous."

Hobbes, the name of the informant.

The technical soldiers recorded the keywords, and the men and women laughed for a while. The woman went back to the master bedroom with a bathrobe. The man in the master bedroom had been sleeping like a pig, and he did not know the grassland in the head.

Mu Yuan’s sleep was relatively heavy, and no one was disturbed until he was asleep. The technical soldiers’ nights were changing their posts. But everyone looked too good, and Mu Yuan knew what it was after half an hour. It’s hard to say.

The informant stupidly pretended to fall asleep. He heard Chen Dong say that there is a very important clue in this batch of red ice. Once, he can trace the leaked high-ranking officials in China. Secondly, he can find this poisonous cockroach, red ice. It is their most important evidence to mix in a wafer, so this batch of red ice must be found. ”

The informant yawned and screamed, and the acting was realistic. Mu far sleeped a lot, and his temper was not so rushed. He just wanted to say hello to the informant. The technical soldier said, "The major, you have come to see."

After the owner of the villa went to work, the children were sent to school one by one. There were not many people left in the house. The man who was mixed with the woman yesterday was also easy to find out. It was the steward of this small villa. The technical battalion quickly checked the information. This person has been a housekeeper for three years here and won the trust of the owner. A small car stopped at the door, the hostess and the butler came out, and the hostess still had a black backpack in her hand.

The informant picked it up. "It's this bag, it's this bag."

Mu Yuan’s backhand is a slap, “Shut up!”

He was concentrating on the picture, and the people in the car had not been there. After a while, he suddenly heard the technical soldiers say, "Not good, the major, the monitoring was destroyed."

Mu Yuan’s eyebrows sank. Two people wearing sunglasses in the picture took the bag that the hostess had sent. When they opened it, they nodded. It seemed to pay the money but they took out a gun. The hostess and the man are all dead. The pistol of the smoke did not make a sound, the two men quickly got on the bus, and Mu Yuan’s voice sank, “Alarm, chase!”

"Yes!" The technical soldiers first reported to the police that they saw someone murder, and the people under Mu Yuan’s hands had already caught up.

After one of them called the ambulance, they caught up with it. The informant looked at the outside situation from the rearview mirror. This happened too suddenly. He was also confused.

This is dead... Is it too embarrassing?

(End of this chapter)

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