Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1939: The informant is dead

Chapter 1939 Lineman is dead

When Mu Yuan and others went to the informant for the second time, a team of people was angry. The chips they got so hard to get, not only can find Gaoqiao but also the high-ranking officials in China, they are so unreliable. The informant gave a penny. The informant lived in the poor slope, but it was a small soil slope, but it was better than the poor. The house was low and not broken. Every family had a small yard, and it was a single home. It was a bit like a domestic house.

Hu Yang and Jiang Cheng violently kicked the door of the line, and the smell of a dead body came in an instant. It was obviously lying on the bed, and the body was covered with corpses, and a stench came in. Fortunately, they often face this. In this case, no one is fussing.

After half an hour.

Weicheng has a heavy face. "He has been dead for at least three days."

The informant has been dead for more than three days, and the bodies have rotted. Who is close to them, pretending to be vivid, this thing also blames them for their inexperience, except for the missing Takahashi, no one has contacted the informant, no Knowing the specific information of the informant, when I came last time, it was not the face that the online person saw at home, and the person was taken away directly outside. He did not carefully check the fingerprints and irises. Mu far kicked a violent kick on the tree and made a sound of the country. This was a rare mistake in his mission.

Even though he even took the chip, he didn't know where it was. This thing became very tricky and began to fall back to the origin, which is much more difficult than tracing the informant. Because... this line of people came without a trace, without leaving clues, and did not know which side of the horse. The night court waited for a day and night and didn't see Mu Yuan coming over. He called and asked.

Mu Yuan said, "The chip was stolen."

Night court, "This..."

For Mu Yuan, this is a huge mistake and frustration. He has to bear all the responsibilities. Mu Yuan has some doubts that he can’t say it. The night court said, “Do you know that the person who revealed the news this time is Lieutenant Colonel Jack, Alice sold the news directly, and Xie Jingzhen has confirmed it."

Mu Yuan said, "Know."

"Then you have thought about it, maybe the chip is taken away."

Mu Yuan’s eyes sank, and after thinking of the iron sheet, the pectoral muscles and the small belly of the person under the mist of the lotus head did not match his back. He closed his eyes and thought about the exaggerated acting and vivid face of the informant, and instantly ruled out Jack. He and Jack have known each other for many years. In addition to him, Jack is almost a face-to-face. It seems that there is no human emotion. The eyebrows always have an indistinct sense of distance and indifference. They are silent and simple. They will never scream and boast like an informant. They will make that look. If you say that, it will be more than killing him. Uncomfortable.

Mu Yuan had no clue. After hanging up the phone, he smoked five cigarettes. If it was Jack, he had to kill his stupid cat. A man who couldn’t run home for three days, he still raised. A puppet cat, if you have a clever one, you have to raise a foolish one every day.

Mu Yuan was uneasy, and the next plan was completely disrupted. He was very confused and had no clue. He suddenly heard the technical soldiers rushing to run. "Major, you are coming to see, there is a major looking for you."


(End of this chapter)

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