Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1946: Blind date, get married

Chapter 1946, blind date, marriage

Cai Zhou and Shan Ning passed by, and nodded slightly to say hello, Shan Ning came over to find Mu Yuan, Mu Yuan handed him a cigarette, Shan Ning smiled and picked up, but did not ignite, placed between the **** Gently turn and lean side by side with him.

"I have seen the war report written by Chen Donglai. Have you ever thought about one thing, the informant...Jack Anderson." Shan Ning whispered, the first sentence killed Mu Yuan on the cross.

"Impossible!" Mu Yuan blurted out, and he subconsciously rejected this fact.

Shan Ning took out the mobile phone and read an electronic report for him. The report showed that Jack entered the country half a month ago and had no record of his departure. The area of ​​the activity and the area of ​​the pedestrian activity almost overlapped. After taking a few vague photos, Mu Yuan took a moment to return the phone to Shan Ning. "Shen Ning, there is one thing I always wanted to ask you, why are you not so disgusted with Jay... Anderson?"

"Do you need a special reason to hate an enemy army officer?" Shan Ning smiled and asked, his eyes were mild and soft under the moonlight, and there was some embarrassment to see Mu.


Shan Ning said, "Anderson’s chief is deep in thought, his wrist is cold, and... iron and blood is ruthless, Xiaoyuan, you are not his opponent."

"I know." Mu Yuan has a self-knowledge. "I will never be his opponent."

However, only him, in Anderson, can find a scar that no one can cure.

"You have a report on this report. I don't know if you are interested in finding a pot. I haven't really cooperated with him. I have worked together many times in the military school. If he doesn't want you to shoot it. The satellite can't capture his face, let alone this ambiguous photo. Does he still say that you go to counter-terrorism and ask, who has really taken a clear picture of him over the years? Oh, and his cousin Wesley, his whereabouts are more mysterious than Wesley, and won't let you catch it easily."

The two gradually disappeared, and Mu Yuan’s smoke was exhausted. He wanted to order another one and was blocked by Shan Ning. “Xiao Yuan, your recent cigarette addiction is a bit heavy, don’t smoke.”

"Is it?" Mu Yuan did not find himself. He pushed his hand slightly and ignited the smoke. The two did not continue to talk about it. Since the death of Anderson’s younger brother, there was a gap between the two. Invisible divide.

"What are your plans after you go back?"

Mu Yuan exhaled a smog and laughed. "Blind, get married!"

Shan Ning, "..."


Two days later, Mu Yuan was wearing a uniform military uniform to see his blind date, Liu Xinyu. Although Mu Mama didn’t know why his son suddenly turned to sex, he liked it. In addition to wearing military uniforms, he couldn’t help but wear a military cap. The leather boots are spotless, the eyes are clear, steady, and the end station is as loose as a benchmark. I am thinking that this blind date will be no problem.

Mu Shen slightly frowned, this half a month ago still do not agree to blind date, how come out a mission, willing to go to blind date when you come back? Mu mother tempted to ask if it is suitable to get engaged, Mu Yuan is also like a mother treasure, mother you like it, and even do not resist.

Mu Shen was not very comfortable, and he found his secretary. "Let's check this Miss Liu, don't let Xiaoyuan be deceived."

(End of this chapter)

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