Chapter 1952

But Mu’s shoulders were still gunshot wounds, and the illness was not healed... A whip went down and Mu’s forehead appeared cold sweat. He stood upright and never said the second sentence.

Mu Jianxin asked, "What is going on, you said!"

Mu Yuan’s pain in his head swelled and looked up at Mu Jianxin. During this time, his inner pressure was greater than anyone else. No one could tell, or even know who to talk to. Before these pressures, he could Jack said that both of them are front-line officers. Their family background is similar. They understand each other and resonate with each other. They can solve each other. Nowadays, there is no one who has thoroughly told me.

Jack’s brother died. They didn’t make any promises between them. They didn’t really have any promises between them. No one knew that they didn’t have tomorrow. They just rushed to the evening. As a result, he quickly told himself that it’s okay, it’s accepted, it’s only a few years old. It’s gone. Today, Takahashi is dead. One is his command mistake. The second is that Takahashi is for his death. All the evidence points to Jack Anderson. He even asks a question. A blame has no position. Therefore, he can only blame. Yourself.

In addition to blaming himself, he does not know who to blame.

When I got home, I had to face a series of questions and cover up. He was too tired.

"Mu General, your son is a freak, a shameful thing. At the age of sixteen, he loves to go to the enemy's military officers and squats to chase people. As a result, he is smashed by others. It's as simple as that!"

Everyone, "..."

Mu Jianxin was black in front of him, and almost fainted. Mu’s face was extremely ugly. They were not old enough. Mu Jianxin and Mu Jianshou were married earlier. Mu Jianshou was fifty-one years old, and Mu Jianxin could not Fifty years old, very young, but their growth trajectory is different from that of the rest. They grew up in the army from childhood, unlike other children who have been exposed to a variety of electronic products since childhood, a variety of entertainment news. The compatibility with certain things is not that high.

Whether it is because of the conceptual problems caused by the growth trajectory or family problems, they are not allowed to do such things.

Mu Yuan himself was under great pressure, and he said that he was so unbearable. He immediately angered Mu Jianxin. In the twinkling of an eye, the five whip fell on the back of Mu Yuan, and he was beaten up, and Mu Shen refused to stop. Fear of an exit and angered him, and fainted.


In the study, full of blood and anger, Mu Shen Lingguang flashed, a slight stop, "Two uncles, Xiaoyuan is not said, they have been separated."

Mu Yuan means being kicked by a person. Mu Shen slightly modified the words and whispered, "This is a good separation."

Mu Jianxin seemed to be unable to hear it. The whip trembled and pointed at Mu Yuan. "Have you ever revealed the secrets of our country."


"How do you know that no one is going to use you, you are fascinated, will you close your eyes with one eye?"

"No!" This sentence really hurts Mu Yuan’s heart. He understands his father’s obsession and integrity, and understands that they cannot tolerate such things. The most fear is that he is inadvertently used by others, causing irreparable tragedies. .

"In your eyes, your son is such a boneless person. If you throw a bone directly, will I put my whole family's life in my hands?"

"You dare to talk back, do something wrong, don't know how to repent!"

(End of this chapter)

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