Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1956: Grab a cock

Chapter 1956 catching a cock

In the evening, Mu’s family was very quiet. Because this incident was not suitable for outsiders, the babysitters at home were given a holiday. The family of five people was quiet and quiet. Mu’s mother was not in the mood to cook. On the dinner table, a tomato scrambled egg, a zucchini scrambled egg, a chopped green onion scrambled egg and an omelet, full of weight, Mu Shen measured home eggs should be used up.

Mu family has always had a chef to cook, and the two ladies will cook at the festival. Mu Shen’s mother’s craftsmanship is not so good. She grows up and grows up. She marries people and does not touch Yang Chunshui. Mu’s craftsmanship is good. However, I was not in the mood to cook, so the family ate all kinds of scrambled eggs. In this way, Mu Shen also ate the eggshell and silently spit the eggshell onto the plate.

"I will stay up late at night." Mu Shen said, Mu Shen's mother happily put down the chopsticks. "Okay, okay."

After eating, Mu Shen went to look at Mu Yuan, he still did not wake up, still in a drowsy, the gunshot wounds did not heal, this time many years of injuries have also come to the door, the disease is serious.

Ms. Mu was absently holding a book and looking at it. Mu Jianxin didn’t care. His wife liked reading books very much, but when he saw the cover, he was not right. The two comic-style big men were together. Mu Jianxin strode over. "What book do you read?"

"What are you doing, I let my students give it to me." Mu mother argued, "They all like to watch."

Mu Mama is a university professor and is a well-known university professor. She teaches at the best universities in A, and she is full of talents. It is easier to accept new things than Mu Jianxin. The book is a beautiful book, telling the story of a pair of small bamboo horses from birth to campus to marriage. Of course, marriage is fictitious and the emotional line is very clear.

Mu Jianxin almost tore the book when he saw the introduction. "What book do you read, I don't know what you are, are still a university professor, not like it!"

"You can pull it down, grab a child like you, beat it up, almost killed, this is very, it is very like?" Mu mother pulled over, "Give me back, this is my student, or If you are alone, you can't lose it."

Mu Jian was so angry that his eyes were round.

"what's wrong with you?"

"I just want to find out what the situation is and whether it can be changed."

"There is something to change. People are a book. The ending of the book is good. In the end, they all love each other. You see that this kind of thing will be affected."

"You go to the downstairs to make the chrysanthemum tea. You are too angry. You should drink two pots of chrysanthemum tea first, then come and talk to me." Mu mother squinted. "Small, this, I am not finished with you."

Mu Jianxin suddenly disappeared like a balloon that was inflated, and went downstairs.

When Mu Yuan woke up, he was lying on the bed, and Mu Shen sat by his bed. "Wake up?"


"You may be patient, two uncles, a big man, squinting around and asking which marriage girl there is, wanting to find a wife for you, you will wait, no more than three days, I will find you a A daughter-in-law, tied to you to get married."

Mu Yuan, "..."

"What age is this, I don't want to get married, can he force me?"

Mu Shen said, "Other people can't say it, second uncle, can't say it, even if you don't want to run, he will catch a **** and a girl."

Mu Yuan, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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