Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1966: Son, being beaten to be generous

Chapter 1966, son, was beaten to be generous

Mu Jianxin, "..."

At home, did they forget who had the final say! !

new York.

Jack just got off the plane. Lehman waited for him directly on the tarmac. He also brought a female agent named Rose. Jack’s face was so ugly that he took the information in Lehman’s hand and looked like a trace. He looked like a dusty servant. Just flew back from A city, not using his own passport, and took a special passage. Lehman and Rose couldn’t ask where he went, what they did, anyway, their lieutenant colonel has always been mysterious. The dragon will not see the end.

"How did Li Ze pass the review, and who gave him the political asylum?" Jack's face was as heavy as water, and a simple sentence said the threat of threat, Lehman also felt that this thing was dying.

They worked hard to deal with horror cases in California and arrested people, but this opened a convenient door, which made people drive straight into the air. It was really ugly and chilling.

"Sir, you'd better go back home," Lehman said.

Jack’s eyebrows were so suffocating, and he took a sigh of relief. He held the corner of the survey data with no expression, “Go home!”

Jack's parents are the eldest son and long-term of the Anderson family. One is a deputy minister in defense. One is the chief procurator of the Supreme Court. He is very busy all the year round, but he is very loving, strong, and harmonious.

Lehman and Rose didn't stay at Anderson's house. They left him with the door and left. Jack strode in. During this time, only Amanda was at home. She was just 50 years old this year, with blonde hair and cut her shoulders. Clean and neat, there is a pair of blue eyes that are as beautiful as Jack. The face looks too solemn. Her work is more busy than Rayleigh Anderson. When Jack was young, he was brought by John Anderson. Wait a minute. When I grew up, my elders at home began to be very busy. He and Wesley and his brothers mixed up in the east, grew up in the West, and then went directly to the army.

"Mom, I am back."

"It’s rare." Amanda is serious, but he is very friendly when he laughs. The people of Anderson’s family are talking about the door. "For the case of Li Ze, come and sit."

"Mom, who is this who agrees, look for death!" Jack smashed a sinister fire. Recently, it was all kinds of dissatisfaction. Everything encountered a bottleneck, but the backyard also had a bad thing.

Amanda poured a cup of tea for him and refused to ask. "You have disappeared for nearly a week, where have you been?"

"A little personal." Jack lowered his eyebrows. The Anderson brothers had little secret in front of their elders. "Is it for...that...small major?"

Jack didn't answer, Amanda gave him a look. "The judges under my hand saw the news that day. I said that there is a major who is very handsome. I think that any other officer is more handsome than my son. I asked a curious question. It turned out to be The little major in your family is engaged, the photos are very good, very spirited, and really handsome."

"Mom!" Which pot does not open which pot.

Amanda raised her eyebrows. "Are you so generous, go to his engagement party?"

Jack, "..."


The atmosphere is very embarrassing.

Amanda said, "Son, we have to be demeanor. It doesn't matter if you are shackled. I heard that their family is not easy to hear. Don't be angry and angry, what life is coming, be generous!"

Jack took a deep breath. "Mom, can you say something right?"

(End of this chapter)

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