Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1984: Recalling the arsonist

Chapter 1984 recalls the arsonist

This sentence is a fatal humiliation in the ears of Barton and Berg. They are one of the best special forces in the country. Fighting is among the best. The best players who can be sent here are top players.

Jack let them go together and it is absolutely humiliating for them.

He was slightly on one side, took the military cap and placed it next to the glove. The boy had the best looking side face in the world, and his side was cold and noble. "Ten minutes, you still climbed up and counted me!" ”

Mu Yuan, "..."

Lying in the trough, you are too arrogant, brotherdie!

Mu Yuan’s micro-expressions are particularly well managed. After all, it’s not his own country and army. It’s all about the barrage, even brushing a row of Barton’s refueling, and Berg’s barrage.

The school is full of new students. Barton and Berg are completely irritated. With his fists on, Jack’s fighting doesn’t know where the teacher is. Compared to his people, his fighting is fierce and without beauty. At all, the recruitment of the commandments, Barton and Berg on both sides of the attack, this period of teaching tactics are used, one by one disintegrated by Jack.

Soro yelled at Mu Yuan. "We have a few bets. Would you like to come?"

"Who are you buying?" Mu Yuan asked.

"This is still asking, this child will be flattened by Barton."

"I think..." It's a bit unreliable. However, the old man said that he went to the military school to be a group, so he generously pressed $5. "Buy Bartonberg wins!"


Jack and Barton, Berg played for nearly two minutes, after finding a fatal flaw of Berg, a shoulder fell and stumbled him, Barton quickly made up, punched the flesh, hit it, Jack thrilled to avoid Opening his fist, Berg got up from a squid on the ground. Jack grabbed Barton's hand and kicked the man when Berg was still not standing. Barton attacked his waist and liberated his hand. Jack figure swiftly rushed to Berg, Barton anxious, rushed to rescue, who can expect the speed of Jack, but reversed the pace, a 180-degree rotation, behind his eyes, kicked Patton.

Mu Yuan, "..."

When it is over, his $5 is going to be cold.

The army is not allowed to bring in money. The $5 is what he earned from doing things. He wanted to secretly change a cigarette.

Five minutes later, Jack slammed his shoulders and back, but Barton and Berg were much worse. The combat power plummeted, and Jack almost lost their physical strength. Fortunately, the agent’s endurance was good, and he insisted on six. Minutes, victory and defeat have been fixed.


The new students face each other.

Everyone has a barrage in their hearts.

This juvenile instructor is true. Hey role!

His movements were particularly fast, especially stable, and there were no tricks, no strokes, no punches, no punches, no injuries to Barton and Berg, and they were all hurt. Jack stood in a group of new soldiers, sweat continued from his forehead. Falling down, in the weather in South America, a little activity is a sweat, he opened the training uniform, revealing a strong and strong upper body, several scars on the back, and a bullet wound.

The boy's face has the body of an adult, the body is strong and perfect, the shoulders are wide and the legs are long, the muscles are smooth and perfect, like the most perfect sculpture, the sweat slides down his face, falls to the collarbone, along the collarbone. Keeping going down, the sun seemed to be a thin light on him.

Mu Yuan swallowed slightly.


The rest of the two are a little bit later. I will take a look at my time to go home, write down late at night, and go to the suburbs to do something tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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