Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1989: The instructor who remembered killing was angry.

Chapter 1989, the instructor who recalled the killing was angry.

During the period, the soldiers also fired. According to the regulations, the bullets could not be hit on the trainees or even the students, so they must find an angle. People hang on the horizontal bar, and walk on the horizontal bar two concepts, go to balance, the horizontal bar will move at any time, it is difficult to maintain balance, not to mention walking on the cliff, can be hanging is not the same First of all, there is no need to consider the balance problem. As a special commander, the tens of meters of horizontal bar is a piece of cake for them, and it is very stable to hang the past.

After Xiao Mu passed the horizontal bar, he slightly moved his wrist. The special soldier's skin was thick and rough. After a few tens of meters of horizontal bar, his palms were not red. The boy's barrage was a hahahaha. You are stupid, I didn't expect Come on, surprise, sand sculpture! ! ! ! Even with a row of barrage screens, Mu Yuan also stretched his face with a very calm look, but the little smug expression was a bit hidden.

Jack, "..."

The students cheered, and then they learned the same thing. They passed the horizontal bar in a short time.

Mortal wisdom!

Jack was cold and his eyebrows were particularly low. No one could see what he was thinking. The students were cheering. Mu Yuan saw that Jack's gaze gradually became cold and his heart screamed.

"Report!" Jack whispered.




Everyone stood in two rows and the report was completed.

Everyone has a smile that can't be covered, and Jack asks, "Do you think you are smart?"

The instructor’s words were like ice scum. No one dared to answer. Jack took off his gloves, took off his shoes, and said to the soldiers standing, “Don’t shoot at the cliff and open it against me!”


Jack untied his extra equipment, dressed in training suits, barefooted, standing on the horizontal bar, everyone was holding his breath, Mu far unknown, his face was burning, like a slap in the face Like, the instructor clearly said nothing, but he got Jack's emotions, he was angry!

This person is angry or happy. It seems to be a face. Except for training, he is silent, saying that a word seems to be a waste of millions of net worth. He walks step by step on a single pole. The soldiers are facing him. Shooting, all shot on a single pole, almost rubbing his side past, but he did not move, the single pole under the foot was rolling, he stood firmly above, the bullet flew around him, He didn't hear it, step by step and walked through the single shot.

Then, he performed a difficult movement that continually rolled on the horizontal bar, but he turned 180 degrees. He stood on the horizontal bar and turned around. It was almost impossible to do, and then in a gunshot, he came back, except for the forehead. Outside the sweat, the whole process is extremely stable.

Mu Yuan’s face is like a fever, like a few slaps by people.

This is a firm will, more than a hard business ability, in a shot, steadily passed the horizontal bar, a slight mistake, a panic, non-death injury, or fall off the cliff.

Jack’s gaze was held in front of the group of students, and the ice-blue eyes were like a piece of ice. “You are the best special forces sent by the countries, not the counter-terrorism reserve, it’s often in the first line, and the industry mercenaries, killers. Anyone who is dealing with terrorists. Any training program in West Point is for you to come back on the battlefield. I don't object to you being smart, but you remember, every little cleverness in training is increased. The probability of your death on the battlefield in the future."


Every training project here is a special soldier of various countries, or combat training of anti-terrorism and defensive forces. If you don't like to watch it, I can write it briefly, and don't like to watch it and tell me.

(End of this chapter)

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