Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1994: Recollecting the killing instructor is gone

Chapter 1994, the instructor who killed the killing went away.

Mu Yuan considered whether to clarify with Jack, but the more clear the more concealed, the instructor felt that he really did not have a picture, it is very embarrassing, there are more than a year of training.

The devil's training in the future was extremely difficult. During the one-month training, Mu Yuan saw the cruel training he had never seen before. First, live-fire training. Every student wore bullet-proof vests, bullet-proof vests, and The bullet-proof vest and the bullet-proof vest were marked with a bullet, and then the live bullet was marked. When he first heard it, when he first thought, if anyone had any opinion on him, couldn’t he shoot him? He and Eugene faced each other. He marked all of Eugene's marks with bullets. But Eugene rubbed his arm and left a blood mark because of nervousness and wrong hands. A student in the squad next door was shot by a bullet and the blood flowed into the river.

At the end of Eugene, his legs were soft and he was kneeling in the desert. He couldn’t move. Mu Yuan was also a cold sweat. He had never experienced such training.

Second, the live ammunition sweeps a hundred meters of crawling training. There is an automatic machine gun that continuously fires at a height of 80cm. It is also a real gun. The machine gun is a full range of shots, the height is constant, but the trainer must shoot with a machine gun. Meter obstacles, this obstacle has obstacles higher than one meter, which means that they have to calculate the time passed, otherwise they will be shot by machine guns, and the whole process must be bent over the height is not higher than 80cm, otherwise Will be fired to death, a student was swept in the calf in this training, gave up training, and rolled back to the country.

Third, underwater half-hour anti-stress training.

All the trainees took off their training clothes and wore only a pair of shorts. Their hands were tied back and thrown into the swimming pool with a height of three meters. The students were asked to wear the masks scattered on the bottom of the water with their teeth. After floating out of the water, they stood for ten minutes. I don’t allow my hands and feet to find a way to go on my own. Mu Yuan was almost suffocated in this underwater training. He is a navy-born, very water-based, but because of a drill accident, there is a little psychological shadow on underwater combat. In this training, he was motivated to see at a glance. He clearly felt that the water was poured into his nose and mouth in all directions, causing pain in his lungs, pain in his eyes, and black eyes. This training, Mu Yuan I took a zero and one request was not completed.


In this kind of ultra-high intensity, I can only sleep for four hours a day. When I go back to the dormitory and sleep on the bed every day, Mu Yuan gradually can't remember the embarrassment of the day.

Every day, he is biting his teeth and enduring hard training, like...the bullets, the humiliating interrogation of psychological resistance, torture, whipping, etc., every time the edge of his collapse is almost impossible to survive. .

A month later, Jack left the South American training camp. The real instructor returned from the paternity leave. The instructor had just become a father. The training method was not so harsh. It was a good speech and not as harsh as Jack.

During the coaching period, Jack was reduced to 30 people, and there were only five people left in the Mu Yuan team, which was reduced by half.

Mu Yuan’s training results fell from the first place to the fifth place.

Eugene's performance has been reversed all the way, becoming the highest team of Mu Yuan, ranking fourth in total.

"The devil instructor is gone, we are going to celebrate it tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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