Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1998: Recalling the actual combat

Chapter 1998, Recalling the Actual Combat Practice

Mu Yuan did not think that he could still see Jack instructor. He had been away from him for five months. He was sunburned. People didn't seem to change anything. It just looked colder and less close.

He is the captain!

Mu Yuan sang a song in joy, there is a secret pleasure, but the face is not revealing, Jack is holding hands and standing in front of a small team, a small team of five people, a team leader Mu Yuan, Cruz, Belem, especially Kim and Soro, this group of students are almost all-powerful, snipers, assault positions and fighting can be served, Mu Yuan and Solo can also serve as information engineering soldiers, each team configuration is complete.

Jack succinctly opened the information and let the assistant instructor send the information down. After a while, two photos appeared on the screen.

Jack said, "This time we have to go deep into West Africa and go to Guinea. The two terrorists are all sects. The two made 301 terrorist attacks at the New York subway station, hurting 31 people and killing six people. The rest of the organization has been arrested. After three days of interrogation, they can basically know their hiding address. You can read the information."

Everyone looked through the information. The two terrorists were named Mandela and Mubara. They were all over one meter tall. They were all special members. They were lurking in New York for three years. They had created six terrorist attacks, and they have been at large, and Mande. Lai graduated from the Ivy League as a Ph.D. in chemistry. He once served in the CIA, and his anti-tracking and anti-reconnaissance ability was particularly strong. He fled outside these years.

These six terrorist attacks have caused heavy casualties. The authorities have used countless human and material resources and resources to capture the murderers. The latent agents sent out have been basically killed and brutally killed. The video of public trials and killings has also been returned to anti-terrorism as a show-off capital. The anti-terrorism has changed two inspectors. The biggest regret is that they have not been able to pursue them.

This time, Jack succeeded in lurking and gained Mubara’s trust, arranged a detailed hunt plan, broke their base camp in New York, and also captured in addition to six terrorist organizations, except Mandela and Muba. Pulling away, the rest have been arrested.

Jack took his own cup, quietly drank water, half squinted. He seemed to have not slept for a long time. He looked a little tired. The face under the incandescent lamp had some pale ischemic, but he was not sick. .

Mu Yuan finished reading the information. I wanted to ask him a word. Seeing that he was on a fake, he didn't bother, and swallowed the problem back.

The two criminals fled to Guinea yesterday. According to the electronic information that Jack had detected, they should go from Guinea to an island that cannot be extradited. Then I buried my name for a lifetime, and Guinea is the best transit station. There is no regulation there.

It is impossible for Jack to let the mastermind escape.

There is still a team left in Guinea. The wealth of these two people has not been frozen, and there are many hukou. There are money to make the ghosts, and a group of mercenaries have also accepted the **** mission.

Mu Yuan got a message from Xie Jingzhen before departure. A team under the Mausoleum also participated in the escort. He hurriedly sent a message to Xie Jingzhen, and people withdrew.

As soon as I sent it out, a cold voice was remembered later. "The phone was confiscated. Didn't I tell you?"

Mu Yuan made a chill, and turned off the phone in a fascinating way, greet Jack's cold eyes. "Reporting the sir, I sent a peace report to my family."

(End of this chapter)

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