Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2000: Recalling the actual combat drill 3

Chapter 2000 Recalling the Actual Combat Exercise 3

Mu Yuan and Eugene went through the middle of the night and finally ended the map drawing. It is a very perfect street fighting map. Mu Yuan is a mixed service. It is a navy and an army. The advantage is obvious. He studied two in the army command post. In the year, I specifically indicated all the live routes on the map, including the live route in the dead end, the road width and the road distance are clear.

Eugene is a sigh, he is a sniper, and he is not so meticulous.

Jack got the map and nodded, very satisfied.

Belen and Cruz have been watching the small building at the commanding heights.

Mu Yuan asked casually, "How long have they been hiding here?"

"One and a half days." Jack said faintly, suggesting that he had a problem.

Mu Yuan said, "It's a good place to hide in here. It's also a place to create chaos. Why should you monitor and wait here, don't go directly to arrest people?"

The technician looked at Jack and seemed to want to talk. Jack raised his hand and let her shut up. She looked down to check the satellite signal and pretended that she hadn't heard anything. Jack's finger clicked on the table. "What do you think?" ”

Mu Yuan did not know much about this action data. Jack obviously did not disclose all the information. Their team is not the main force. The main force of counter-terrorism has arrived in Guinea. Seriously, their team is an auxiliary team.

"Say!" Jack looked cold, "According to your judgment!"

"I don't have much experience in arresting terrorists. According to limited experience, it may be that Mandela and Mubara have small weapons of mass destruction, which may cause you to sneak into the device and not dare to act rashly." Mu Yuan said seriously. .

The technicians looked at each other and Mu Yuan slightly frowned. "Sorry, I am correcting the wording. Is this anti-personnel weapon... radioactive explosive?"

Everyone looks at each other.

Jack raised his eyebrows. "Why is it inferred to be dirty?"

"I have seen anti-terrorism squads have prepared radiation protection equipment." Mu Yuan said, "Overseas marches are mainly simple, with more ammunition and food, medicines, and rarely carry radiation protection equipment, unless they are targeted, so I Judging is a dirty bomb."

(Some friends don't know what a dirty bomb is, or a yellow cake in the Red Sea action.)

The damage caused by the dirty bomb explosion depends mainly on the size of the explosive device. This is a radioactive bomb that attacks a densely populated urban area. If it is exploded in the financial district of City A, the wind will be good on the same day. A sharp drop in one-third of the population, the remaining one-third may cause cancer due to infection within 10 years, various diseases die, and the city will slowly degenerate into a radioactive area that is not suitable for human habitation, contaminated Anything that can no longer be used can cause the regional economy to be hit harder than the explosive power of small and weapons.

Jack fixedly looked at Mu Yuan, "Smart!"

Mu Yuan took a breath, although he judged it as a dirty bomb, but he still prayed not to be dirty bombs. If Mandela and Mubara carried dirty bombs, it caused an explosion.

All the people here are dying. In the big city of Guinea, there will be terrible nuclear pollution incidents.

"How big?"

The rest of the members were a little embarrassed, and they were gambling once they came into contact with the dirty bombs. Jack said faintly, "Fortunately, the explosive device is not large, the pollution source can control the windless energy within five kilometers, and the strong wind is controlled within ten kilometers."

(End of this chapter)

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