Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2002: Recalling the cause of killing

Chapter 2002 Recalling the Causes of Killing

He paused and avoided the vision of Mu Yuan, who was too simple and persistent. "People... is also teaching in accordance with their aptitude."

Mu Yuan looked at Jack's cold side face. It was also the first time that the devil instructor was not cold on the surface. It was really cold and cold, and there was an indifferent and sharp atmosphere from the inside out. The technicians did not dare to breathe, silently mourning the lieutenant, and he was too courageous to dare to question Jack’s decision.

"Yes!" Mu Yuan no longer said anything. The commander and the executioner are not the same angle. The commander has more things to carry. Mu Yuan will not argue with him in this situation. After all, the dirty bomb exploded. It will cause more casualties. He can't judge Jack right or wrong at the moment. They are trying to protect more people, even... sacrifice.

"Before dawn, you and Soro will go to draw a street battle map, and you will make a mark and see if it has changed."


Mu Yuan retired and went out with Solo to draw a map again.

The two found a small detail, Mu Yuan painted the map to mark, suitable for the route of escape, increased the obstacles, Mu Yuan slightly frowned, suddenly realized one thing.

He immediately reported to Jack.

"Sir, they have more than two people."

"I know." Jack already knew more than two people. "The route of change, all pointed out, sent people to keep in the past, the sky will soon be bright, be careful that they pretend to go out."


Mu Yuan quickly reported several points and thought of one thing. He asked Jack, "If there is a passage in the ground?"

"will not!"

Jack said, "This city is built on a cemetery. The following is a purpose. In order to prevent harassment of the soul, the official has clearly stated that it is not allowed to dig underground in the tunnel. The pipes here are all ground. The houses are all stones without foundation. house."

Mu is far away, and the people here are really big hearts. Just built a house on the purpose, not afraid of being riddled with the dead soul? Although he believes that Buddhism does not teach, he always feels that the two are figured out.

Before dawn, Mu Yuan returned to the command post.

It was dawn, and people from all the stalls came out. As they expected, Mandela disguised the children and wanted to send the children away. He was very smart and sent one by one, not all of them. All the children were sent away. There are many people here, and the dragons and snakes are mixed. It is quite easy to give a person a disguise, but his child was sent back by anti-terrorism in less than half an hour.

The meaning is obvious. If you want your child to live, you need to touch the dirty bombs.

Mu Yuan didn't close his eyes overnight, holding a gun at a high place. When he changed his post, he looked at Mandela's information. This young man was a very gentle and kind young man. It was a childhood change that made his personality change. And very smart, the scores of all subjects are the first, such talents in any field, are the best.

In fact, he is also a leader in the field of chemistry.

In addition to anti-humanity.

If there is a soft heart in his heart, there are two children.

"Mandela surrendered, Mandela surrendered." Eugene cheered, someone had sent a message and found a dirty bomb, Mu Yuan slightly frowned, this thing will not be that simple.

He looked at Mandela's information, he is not like someone who gave up so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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